Road Trip for Self Care – 9 Ways to Stay Safe and Healthy on the Road

Going on a road trip may be fun but it entails a lot of preparation. You don’t want to have to face issues like getting lost, running out of gas, no signal, car breaking down, etc. and not have a solution for it. This is why we’d like to share with you some tips on how you can be safe and healthy while on a road trip.

1) Have some non-perishables ready

You never know if you’re hours away from the next restaurant so it’s best to be prepared with your own food. The best ones are those that don’t spoil fast. They’re easy to store and they won’t stink up your car. Some good food to have in handy are protein bars, apples, peanuts, canned goods, and bottled water.

2) Keep your car clean

This is important for a long road trip. Like we said above, your car can easily smell when you have trash lying around. You’ll be driving for several days so it’s important to have fresh smelling interiors at all times. 

Road Trip for Self Care – 9 Ways to Stay Safe and Healthy on the Road3) Check your car

A week before you leave for your road trip, have a mechanic check your car thoroughly. You don’t want to encounter problems when you are miles away from the next gas station. Some things to look out for are tires, brakes, and fluid levels.

4) Find out ahead the trouble spots

Figure out the route you’re taking for your road trip and find out if there are any trouble spots on the way. The good news is that we now have the internet to help us out with that. For example, you might find out that the diner nearest to your hotel is five miles away. This will give you time to prepare for a solution. Maybe you’ll buy a meal on the way to the hotel or check out early so you can head out early too.

5) Have an emergency kit

In case something does happen to your car, you want to have the right tools that will allow you to fix it. Your kit should have jumper cables, a tire pressure gauge, a tire inflator, flares, safety triangles, fire extinguisher, and a tow strap.

6) Create an action plan in case of an accident

It’s the last thing you want to happen while on a road trip but you’ll be glad you created an action plan before leaving. Look up resources to ease the stress of a car accident. Some steps may include having the hospital and police on speed dial. You may also need to have your lawyer’s number so you can provide as many details about the accident. 

Road Trip for Self Care – 9 Ways to Stay Safe and Healthy on the Road7) Assign a task to each passenger

If you’re traveling with a group, it’s good to divide the labor so everything is not on you. For instance, one is designated to read the map and give directions. Then you have someone to plan all the meals for all the stops. Then you might also have someone to operate the music so it doesn’t get boring. This will allow you to focus on driving which is already a huge task in itself.

8) Make your plan loose

You might already have the perfect itinerary in mind but it’s important to have realistic expectations. Maybe you won’t arrive at your destination on time or one of your passengers suddenly got sick and has to go home. Whatever it may be, prepare yourself for the idea that things might not turn out the way you want. You’ll be less stressed and are able to enjoy the trip more. 

“Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Keep your plan flexible and focus on the adventure ahead. Trust in your own abilities and the Route4Me route planning capabilities to guide you along the way.” – Founder of Route4Me

9) Be physically prepared

Driving for long hours can be taxing on your body. Make sure you are well-rested in between long drives. Make a stop if you have to and fuel with food and sleep. Remember, a road trip is supposed to be fun, not dreadful. 



About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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