Unconventional Medicine – Chris Kresser

Unconventional Medicine with Chris Kresser

“The traditional health care system is not designed to handle the multitude of chronic problems we face in our modern world.” – Chris Kresser

The world is looking at the greatest health care crisis it has ever seen. Chronic disease is shortening our lifespan, destroying our quality of life, bankrupting governments, and threatening the health of future generations. Sadly, conventional medicine, with its focus on managing symptoms, has failed to address this challenge. The result is burned-out physicians, a sicker population, and a broken health care system.

Join us on Wellness + Wisdom 140 as we chat with Chris Kresser, recognized leader in the fields of ancestral health, Paleo nutrition, and functional and integrative medicine, as he explains how we can change the paradigms around functional medicine and create a proactive health practice to greatly reduce our risk for many of the lifestyle driven illnesses we see today. Chris is on mission to reinvent health care, reverse chronic disease, and help people create a wellness routine that they truly love.

Links From Today's Show:

Listen To Episode 140 as Chris Kresser Uncovers:

  • How Chris is fighting to change our broken health care system
  • Shocking statistics on the rise of poor health conditions and chronic disease
  • Chris's vision for blending functional and conventional medicine
  • How lifestyle and environmental factors can control the expression of our genes
  • Why lack of social support and having a confidant can decrease your life span
  • The underlying issues that are perpetuating our failing model of reactive health care
  • How insurance companies could actually save money by focusing on preventative care instead of just treating symptoms
  • Chris's formula for what causes most of our modern day disease
  • The lifestyle factors that are leading to most of our preventable illness
  • How a functional medicine approach is helping us find the root cause or our ailments
  • The current doctor visits that are rushed, lacking depth, and last an average of 8-12 minutes
  • How we can begin to shift the misguided paradigms around functional medicine
  • What foods would really cost if they weren't subsidized
  • Why our health care system is financially unsustainable
  • How the Cleveland Clinic moving the needle for functional medicine
  • When we should adjust our lifestyle based on genetic testing
  • How to avoid the misleading information from health studies funded by drug companies
  • The importance of taking responsibility for your lifestyle to change your health destiny
  • Why all countries other than North America and New Zealand don't allow pharmaceutical companies to directly market to consumers

Power Quotes From The Show

“The traditional health care system is not designed to handle the multitude of chronic problems we face in our modern world.” Chris Kresser

“The average doctor goes into medicine for the right reasons, but has become just as much a victim of the system as their patients.” Chris Kresser

“Genes load the gun, but environment pulls the trigger.” – Chris Kresser

“I imagine a world where traditional and functional medicine are equally as powerful and fully accepted.” – Chris Kresser

“Unfortunately, our health care system rewards quantity and volume over quality.” Chris Kresser

“We don't have to wait until problems have occurred, we can use the ancestral diet and a functional medicine approach to prevent most of the chronic disease we see today.” Chris Kresser

Revolution Health Radio

Revolution Health Radio

debunks mainstream myths on nutrition and health and delivers cutting-

Revolution Health Radio debunks mainstream myths on nutrition and health and delivers cutting-edge, yet practical information on how to prevent and reverse disease naturally.

This show is brought to you by Chris Kresser, health detective and creator of chriskresser.com

Listen To The Podcast

The Kresser Institute

Functional Medicine becomes an even more powerful tool when combined with the better questions and new insights of an ancestral, evolutionary perspective. If you want better results in truly preventing and reversing chronic disease and a more profitable and rewarding health practice, join us at Kresser Institute. We’re the first and only clinician training to combine functional and ancestral medicine, along with comprehensive practice management training. The institute is founded by Chris Kresser, respected for his work to expose myths and misconceptions of modern health care and known as the #1 expert in applying ancestral principles in a clinical setting to reverse chronic disease. Be part of the movement to transform health care.

Click To Visit The Kresser Institute

Chris Kresser – Four Compelling Arguments for the Paleo Diet

Unconventional Medicine

In Unconventional Medicine, Chris Kresser presents a plan to reverse this dangerous health care trend.

He shows how the combination of a genetically aligned diet and lifestyle, functional medicine, and a lean, collaborative practice model can create a system that better serves the needs of both patients and practitioners.

The epidemic of chronic illness can be stopped, if patients and practitioners can adapt.

Check Out Unconventional Medicine On Amazon

The Paleo Cure

As the Paleo movement sweeps the nation, millions have discovered the health benefits of following the lifestyle of our hunter-gatherer forebears. But what happens when we hit a wall and weight loss stalls, energy flags, illness sets in, or we're tired of restricted eating?

In The Paleo Cure, Chris Kresser uses the Paleo diet as a template from which you can tailor a simple yet powerful three-step program-Reset, Rebuild, Revive-to fit your lifestyle, body type, and genetic blueprint. You'll learn how to eliminate the toxic foods that cause illness and weight gain, how to sleep better, exercise like our ancestors, cultivate pleasure, and vastly improve overall health. Kresser helps further personalize your prescription by addressing specific health conditions, from heart disease to digestive problems. Best of all, you only have to follow the program 80 percent of the time; there's room to indulge, in moderation, and still experience dramatic results.

Check Out The Paleo Cure On Amazon

Your Personal Paleo Code

As the Paleo movement sweeps the nation, the health benefits of following the lifestyle of our hunter-gatherer forebears are undeniable. But what happens when we hit a wall and weight loss stalls, energy flags, or we're tired of restricted eating? We're not cavemen anymore, so why should we follow a strict caveman diet?

In YOUR PERSONAL PALEO CODE, Chris Kresser uses the Paleo diet as a baseline from which you can tailor the ideal three-step program-Reset, Rebuild, Revive-to fit your lifestyle, body type, genetic blueprint, and individual needs. Kresser helps further personalize your prescription for specific health conditions, from heart disease and high blood pressure to thyroid disorders and digestive problems. Along with a 7-day meal plan and delectable, nutritious recipes, YOUR PERSONAL PALEO CODE offers natural solutions and an avalanche of groundbreaking advice on how to restore a healthy gut and immune system; how to eliminate toxins; which fats to eat liberally; how to choose the healthiest proteins; and much more.

Check Out Your Personal Paleo Code On Amazon

About Chris Kresser

Chris Kresser, M.S., L.Ac is a globally recognized leader in the fields of ancestral health, Paleo nutrition, and functional and integrative medicine. He is the creator of ChrisKresser.com, one of the top 25 natural health sites in the world, and the author of the New York Times best seller, Your Personal Paleo Code (published in paperback in December 2014 as The Paleo Cure).

Chris was recently named by Greatist.com as one of the 100 most influential people in health and fitness, along with Michelle Obama, Michael Pollan, Dr. Andrew Weil, Tim Ferriss, Mark Sisson, Robb Wolf and Dr. Mercola—and his work is frequently cited in national publications such as TimeThe Atlantic, and NPR, and on Dr. Oz and Fox & Friends, where he has appeared as a guest.

Chris has been studying, practicing, and teaching alternative medicine for more than fifteen years. He did his undergraduate work at UC Berkeley, and studied Chinese and integrative medicine at the Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine College, also in Berkeley. He has trained with world-renowned healers and educators in a variety of disciplines throughout the U.S., Thailand, and Indonesia.

Chris’s work is informed by his own experience recovering from a chronic, complex illness which began while he was traveling in Southeast Asia in his early 20s. After seeing more than twenty doctors around the world and spending thousands of dollars in an effort to diagnose and treat his condition, Chris decided to take his health into his own hands. Through extensive study and research, continual self-experimentation, and formal training in integrative medicine, he recovered from this debilitating illness and went on to share what he learned with others through his popular blog, podcast, and private practice.

Chris teaches and practices functional medicine, a personalized approach to health care that recognizes the biological uniqueness of each patient. In contrast to conventional care, which is almost entirely focused on suppressing symptoms, functional medicine eliminates symptoms by addressing the underlying cause of a problem. It is an evidence-based field of health care that views the body as an interconnected whole, and recognizes the importance of these connections in health and disease.


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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