A Personal Trainer For Your Mind With Julianna Raye

Julianna RayeCan mindfulness and meditation be a personal trainer for your mind?

Today on the show, we explore that question with one of the most sought after mindfulness trainers in the world, Julianna Raye.

After training individuals and groups for over 15 years, Julianna brings her expertise and gifts to share with Wellness + Wisdom.

I've been so pumped to be able to bring on a guest like Julianna that not only is a master at empowering others to change their thinking, but most importantly, to change their behavior through the power of mindfulness and meditation.


Numerous scientific studies have shown clear and wide-ranging benefits of mindfulness including stress and anxiety reduction, strengthened immune system, heightened EI and creativity to name just a few.

In fact, Julianna herself was drawn to mindfulness 18 years ago, to manage debilitating anxiety. With over 90 weeks of immersive silent retreat training in both mindfulness and zen in addition to her daily practice, Julianna has racked up 12,000 plus hours of formal practice time, rewiring her brain and creating a new normal for herself. This enables her to truly be of service to her clients.

Mindfulness Training

Currently, Julianna is developing onsite and online mindfulness training for enterprise clients and consumers as well as delivering keynotes, privately coaching executives in sales and leadership, performance professionals, TV personalities, entrepreneurs engaged in personal growth, and group training company leaders interested in preventative health care and enhancing the work environment, through mindfulness meditation.

In a recent study at UCLA comparing long-term meditators’ brains with non-meditators, the results of Julianna’s MRI led to interviews on ABC, Globo, and Reuters news outlets, about the benefits of Mindfulness practice. Using the system of Basic Mindfulness, which has been researched at Carnegie Mellon, the University of Vermont, and Harvard Medical Center (with breakthrough results), Julianna’s emphasis is on helping clients find those specific strategies most relevant for their life and professional environment.

Mindfulness Development

As an expert in the system, Julianna teaches clients how to strategically implement practice for specific challenges and practice in action, leading to accelerated growth, giving clients a way to develop skills on the go and providing invaluable tools for self-empowerment.

“Just as a physical trainer improves your workout, working with a mindfulness meditation trainer deepens and strengthens your skills, providing the necessary perspective, feedback and support so you maximize the potential of your practice.” – Julianna Raye

Mindfulness provides an excellent complement to any other self-healing work you may be doing. In fact, your practice will enhance all the activities of your life.

Links From Today's Show:

Read Julianna's Contributions to Mind Body Green Magazine:

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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