Wellness Force > Store > Sensate

Your key to calm


sensate biohacking nervous system$25 OFF WITH CODE “JOSH25”


• Calms your nerves and anxiety

• Improves stress resilience

• Increases Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

• Improves your sleep

• Stimulates the vagus nerve

Sensate is a sensory device that uses vibrations and sound to lower your stress, in just 10 minutes.

Find out how Sensate, essentially a healing singing stone, uses infrasonic resonance, vagus nerve stimulation, and soundscapes to bring relief to your nervous system.

Sensate: Your Key to Peaceful Life

For many of us, our body’s built-in stress management system is in overdrive. With a nervous system chronically stuck in fight/flight/freeze mode, your body is not receiving adequate time to rest and recover from everyday stressors.

Sensate uses the natural power of infrasonic resonance to calm your body’s nervous system, providing immediate relief from stress and anxiety while improving sleep.

Infrasonic Wave Technology

Sensate's novel patented technology was designed to send infrasonic waves through the chest, to reach the vagus nerve that sits deep in the core of our nervous system. By speaking to our body's command center, we can control how we respond to all the positive and negative things that we experience each day.

Together with the specially composed hemispheric audio within the app, users report feeling calmer from the very first session.

Stress, meet science

A groundbreaking innovation in wellness technology, Sensate uses the natural power of sonic resonance to calm your body’s nervous system, providing immediate relief and long-term benefits from regular use.


Stefan Chmelik | Vagus Nerve Toning: The Science + Spirit of Healing From Stress With Sensate

stefan chmelik sensateListen to episode 484 of the Wellness + Wisdom podcast with Stefan Chmelik, and discover how Sensate is specifically designed to bring the powerful healing power of nature to people who have PTSD, high stress or anxiety levels, live in large cities, and/or live life on the go.

Watch + Listen to This Episode

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