Wellness Force > Store > Legacy Cacao

Cacao: The most nutrient-rich live food

Legacy Cacao



• Energy boost without crash

• Increases mental clarity and awareness

• Connects you with your heart

• Highest plant-based source of iron

• Full of antioxidants, magnesium, and calcium

Legacy Cacao: The world’s purest ceremonial-grade sipping chocolate.

A decadent sensory experience that nourishes your brain, fuels your body and expands your soul.

This heart-opening plant medicine found her way to you because your Soul was in a YES. You are ready. And this gentle, nourishing cacao as well as our growing community of lightworkers are here to support you.

Legacy Cacao: Heart-Opening Plant Medicine

Legacy Cacao is unlike any other ceremonial-grade cacao you’ve ever experienced. The intentionality infused at every stage from seed to sip results in what we believe to be the most pure and energetically potent cacao on the planet.

One sip and you are immediately enveloped by the warm sensory experience and heart-opening plant medicine.

It is a gentle, yet powerful transformative addition to any morning routine. Many of our customers far prefer Legacy Cacao over coffee, tea, energy drinks, or even breakfast.

It helps you to drop into your zone of genius, provides added mental clarity and alertness, boosts energy without any crash, and reconnects you back to your heart and Soul Truth.

The cacao arrives to you as a stone-ground powder combined with a Mayan spice blend, vanilla, and panela, wrapped in a colorful, hand-woven cloth bag. It is prepared by only women, and mixed in ceremony by a Mayan Priestess in accordance with the original Mayan recipe – a secret only given to one respected elder at a time.

Legacy Cacao has been entrusted with the honor and responsibility of being the only bridge between this ancient legacy and the rest of the world. We are here in service to you and to this royal lineage of Mayan people gifting us with their most potent plant medicine.

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