Wellness Force > Store > Bouche Mouth Tape

98% reported better sleep their first week

Bouche Mouth Tape

Bouche Mouth Tape20% OFF WITH CODE “JOSH” LINK


• Stop snoring

• Increase REM sleep

• End dry mouth

• Feel more energized

• Boost immunity

• Reduce cavities

Bouche mouth tape helps naturally induce optimal breathing, reducing snoring and ensuring you have your most restorative sleep.

Bouche mouth tapes are medical grade, hypoallergenic, BPA free, fragrance-free, skin and facial hair-friendly, CPAP compatible, breathable in case of emergency, and made in the USA.

Stop mouth breathing while asleep

Mouth breathing while sleeping causes dry mouth, snoring, brain fog, and restless nights.

More than 70% of people are mouth breathers. Bouche sleep strips gently keep lips together and encourage sleepers to breathe through their nose for the entirety of their sleep, increasing the body's oxygen absorption on average by more than 18% every night.

Nasal breathing while sleeping releases nitric oxide (NO). NO is a vasodilator, which means it helps widen blood vessels and improves oxygen circulation.

This increased nitric oxide production leads to countless health benefits including, lower blood pressure, improved recovery, and reduced stress levels, and allows sleepers to experience deeper, more restorative sleep.

Stopping mouth breathing will not only help you look and feel better, but it can actually prevent conditions like sleep apnea from developing.

Bouche Mouth Tape

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