What Is Karma And Dharma? + Practices To Awaken Your Kundalini | Vanessa Lambert

Welcome to the podcast. I am Josh Trent and this is Wellness + Wisdom: the place that has always been and always will be for you to learn how to live your life well. And today we'll be talking about karma and dharma, and kundalini awakening.

I believe that unless we daily nourish our five sides of the wellness pentagon it will be really hard to live life well. I'm talking about the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial ways of operating, living, and being in this world.

Unless we are intelligent and embodied in these five areas life becomes much more challenging…but I believe it's in the noble, humble pursuit of these five sides that we really start to thrive.

No matter if you're a spiritual person or a scientific person, today's podcast is going to give you both to sink your heart and mind into.

And it's my promise that by the end of this show, you will leave more intelligent and more inspired to actually embody what you got today because what you're getting today is clarity and intelligence on how to clear your own personal karma, find your dharma, and learn about the healing power of Kundalini Yoga and the Akashic Records.

Karma And Dharma

My guest today is a dear friend of mine who is an amazing soul. Her name is Vanessa Lambert and together with her husband, Adam, they run a company called “Bee The Wellness” that offers life-transforming retreats across the world. You must check out their upcoming retreat in Riviera Maya in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

You're going to be so stoked on Vanessa's heart and energy so if you've been looking for a freaking break or a vacation from the pace of life, or you’ve been feeling like your soul has been calling you to let go of something or step into something BIG in your life, I invite you to join them in Mexico!

Use code “JOSH” and save $500 off your Bee-Fest tickets, April 26th-30th 2023: Riviera Maya, Yucatan Peninsula Mexico learn more and sign up at JoshTrent.com/BeeFest.

vanessa lambert

“We've been disjointed and disharmonized. It's part of the beauty of Earth that we're pulled apart and it's our job to put ourselves back together.

But sometimes we get stuck in that fragmented state because we don't believe and trust there's a way back. That's why you see so many people looking for gurus and teachers and plant medicine. They want something else to put them back together because they don't trust, they don't believe they have it inside to do it for themselves.

You're the one you've been waiting for. You have everything you need inside of you and if you can find that trust and belief, you can bring yourself back together.”Vanessa Lambert

Kundalini Awakening

vanessa lambert karma and dharmaIn this podcast you'll learn about Kundalini Awakening; Vanessa's work through her Starseed Collective.

This is really fascinating… the vibration of words and how words vibrate through the vocal cords and into the water in your body literally create the reality of your life.

You'll learn about Dharma and Karma and our collective shift, learning to die before you die, taking an emotional inventory, and cultivating the deepest relationship with yourself.

And so much more… Vanessa is really special you're going to feel it and hear it here right now on Wellness + Wisdom.


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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