Wetiko: How To Heal Yourself From The Mind Virus | Paul Levy

Today's guest is Paul Levy who is a pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, the founder of Awaken In The Dream community in Portland Oregon, and a creative artist deeply steeped in the work of Carl Jung and who has been a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for over 35 years.

He is a multiple published author and today we are talking about the Wetiko concept, consciousness, and an understanding of the darkness inside of all of us that has the power to change the world.

And I don't say that lightly, this concept of Wetiko was a direct connection to me from my mentor Paul Chek as well as many different friends and colleagues in the wellness world.

Wetiko: Healing The Mind Virus + Understanding The Darkness Inside Of Us

I read the book Wetiko: Healing The Mind Virus That Plagues Our World when I was on my Vision Quest so imagine just for a moment being out in nature, feeling the sun on your shoulders, feeling the wind on your face, hearing the sounds of nature, being in that nourishment, and reading a book that speaks right to the bottom of your soul.

That was my experience of Paul and his work and on this podcast, you are going to be able to identify the key concepts around how this dark energy manifests in our everyday lives.

It's a fascinating conversation and if you've ever wondered why you feel like you're not yourself at times, or you behave in ways that you feel terrible about, or just have a general sense of sadness, grief, or frustration about our current society, this podcast will change your life.

Everyone must read this book. I'm absolutely fascinated by this work stepping back to the Kabbalah and Kahuna shamanism with Christianity and mysticism.

Show Up With Love + Live Your Life Well

Paul went through his own awakening and today he's teaching us from 40 years of understanding consciousness, the self, and the observer so we can all awaken from this dream self-induced mindblindness to find the source of our suffering through this inner and outer manifestation of Wetiko.

We're doing the best we can but there is an antidote to evil. There is an antidote to Wetiko and by the end of this podcast, this is my promise to you, you will have a profound understanding of how this energy plays out in your own life.

You will also learn what you can do about it to show up more loving and essentially live your life well, and have the best life possible by understanding the darkness and the shadow inside of yourself.

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Now let's drop in with the one and only Paul Levy here on Wellness + Wisdom.



About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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