Vanessa Lambert | Clear Karma, Find Dharma: The Healing Power of Kundalini Yoga + Akashic Records

“We've been disjointed and disharmonized. It's part of the beauty of Earth that we're pulled apart and it's our job to put ourselves back together.
But sometimes we get stuck in that fragmented state because we don't believe and trust there's a way back. That's why you see so many people looking for gurus and teachers and plant medicine. They want something else to put them back together because they don't trust, they don't believe they have it inside to do it for themselves.
You're the one you've been waiting for. You have everything you need inside of you and if you can find that trust and belief, you can bring yourself back together.” – Vanessa Lambert

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 528

Vanessa Lambert, a medicine woman and the founder of Starseed Collective, joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom podcast to dive deep into the spiritual part of the wellness pentagon to facilitate your own spiritual journey.

Are you curious about spiritual tools and practices that can help you live your life well in this current lifetime?

Learn how Kundalini yoga and akashic records serve you in your spiritual awakening, what karma and dharma are, and why you should cultivate a meaningful relationship with yourself in order to have meaningful relationships with others. 

Bee-Fest | April 2023

vanessa lambert

Riviera Maya, Mexico | April 26-30, 2023

Save $500 off Bee-Fest in Tulum, Mexico with the code “JOSH”.

Bee-Fest is a 5-day/4-night event created for the spiritual, the seekers, the poets, and the dreamers…. You will bond with other incredible humans who are also ready to alchemize this experience into pure potential!

Together with the performers, coaches, and teachers who will join us on this journey, you will experience conscious insights into all things life, wellness, love, transformation, and spirituality. You will shift to higher vibrational energy and fortify and realign your connection to divine love!

Listen To Episode 528 As Vanessa Lambert Uncovers:

[1:30] Kundalini Awakening

[13:40] The Power Of The Heart + Sovereignty

  • What brought her to Wyoming.
  • Why she paused her podcast and started focusing more on Starseed Collective.
  • What made her shift focus from the physical to the spiritual and emotional body.
  • How to be the judge of your own experience.
  • What sovereignty means to Vanessa.
  • Healing the lineage.
  • How she learned to trust and found a connection to God through plant medicine.
  • Why some people are triggered by God.

[29:45] The Vibration Of Words

  • The sound current and frequency of the word “God”.
  • How the frequency of words changes the structure of water.
  • Why we don't trust that when we're pulled apart, we can find a way to put ourselves back together.
  • Why Josh doesn't always feel he can feel or hold a vibration.
  • The polarity of the masculine and feminine.
  • Why some people are further on the spiritual journey than others.

[38:15] Dharma, Karma + The Collective Shift

[46:30] Learning To Die Before You Die

[56:55] How To Take An Emotional Inventory

[01:05:15] Human Curiosity + Cultivating A Deep Relationship With Yourself

Power Quotes From The Show

The Growth Period

“How deep of a growth period do you want to have? How committed are you to pushing the envelope so far that you're in this massive growth all the time? At what point do you pull back and do some integration and allow yourself to be joyous and fulfilled? Many people say “there's always more work to be done.” But you can take a break and just be happy for a while.” – Vanessa Lambert

Karmic Debt

“Your karmas are your debts that you have to pay off. Kundalini is a path to liberation. It clears karmic imprints from your aura and your human experience so that you don't have to incarnate 4 million times more to pay off every single debt that you brought to any of your lifetimes.”- Vanessa Lambert

Cultivate A Meaningful Relationship With Yourself First

“If you don't have a deep relationship with yourself, it's really hard to have a deep and meaningful relationship with anyone else. We're pack animals. We want to be in connection with people. It's vital to the very fabric of our being. Having the ability to have a relationship with yourself and cultivate relationships in your life that are meaningful is one of the most important keys to happiness and joy.”- Vanessa Lambert

Links From Today's Show 

About Vanessa Lambert

vanessa lambert

Vanessa is the founder and CEO of Starseed Collective, a company whose mission is to support medicine women, metaphysical mavens, and conscious creators on their journey to up-leveling their spiritual intelligence and becoming a powerful contribution to the planet.

Working with crystals and the Akashic Records has been two of the most supportive practices in her life and Vanessa thrives on supporting others with custom crystal grids that are downloaded directly from the Akashic Field.

In fact, all of the descriptions for the crystals and their energy has been channeled from the Akashic records specifically for those who find their way to Starseed Collective.

Over the last two decades, Vanessa has continued to seek out every corner of spiritual technology to help her better navigate her human experience and pay forward the wisdom and knowledge she has gained along the way.

From plant medicine ceremonies and peak flow state adventures to becoming a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher and sound healer, Vanessa has relentlessly strived to embody the frequencies that could help her be in deeper service to the planet.

280 Vanessa Lambert: How To Find Your Authentic Self


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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Trent Family

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Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? The BREATHE | Breath & Wellness 21 day guided program was made for you. I created BREATHE after my own dark nights of the soul and years of research traveling the world in search of the truth about self-healing.


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