Tim Chang: Consciousness, Compassion, & What The World Needs Right Now

“It's always been assumed that capitalism creates trauma and that money is the root of all evil but what if we view it like technology? It's not good or bad objectively; it's just a tool. So, then the only root question is, ‘What is your energy, what's your intention with which you use these tools?' That's the inner work of looking at yourself and your relationship with money.” – Tim Chang

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 334

Managing Director and Partner at Mayfield Fund, Tim Chang, shares how money can be used as energy to help humanity, how to stop being afraid of money and start seeing its powerful purpose, and why he focuses on purging himself from his possessions.

Can business be a force of change for good?

Learn why your first job is to get out of scarcity in order to take real radical ownership of your life.


[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘There's no separation between work and play nor does a work-life balance exist because your work is a reflection of who you are in life.' – @timechange ” quote=”‘There's no separation between work and play nor does a work-life balance exist because your work is a reflection of who you are in life.' – @timechange “]

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Listen To Episode 334 As Tim Chang Uncovers:


[1:30] Surrendering To The Universe

  • Cured Nutrition
  • Finding Joe
  • Tim Chang
  • Awakened Futures Summit
  • Mayfield Fund
  • Tripp
  • The power of tuning into the present and focusing on what you're grateful for in life.
  • Instead of asking yourself, ‘Is the glass half empty or half full,' just see it as, ‘Oh my gosh! There is a glass and you can put water in it.'
  • The power of being grateful for what you do have in life and what technology and tools we now have at our disposal.
  • His experience in Silicon Valley and how he surrendered to these ideas of who he is in his role.
  • How he's shifted his focus on life from collecting points to seeing it as an art form.

[14:00] Can Business Be A Force For Good?

  • Why the key to success is not to keep looking over your shoulder but to find your own voice.
  • Rather than being so focused on competition, think about what you stand for and why you're doing what you're doing.
  • His own journey of uncovering what he stands for and what can best serve humanity.
  • How you can do well in this world by doing good acts throughout your lifetime.
  • Shifting your viewpoint on money from it's “good” or “bad” to see it as just a tool. (17:50)
  • Why there is no such thing as a work-life balance because all that you do should be a reflection of who you are at your core.
  • The fact that if you're nervous or insecure, those feelings will be expressed in all of your relationships from teammates and customers to interactions with your spouse.
  • How the energy that business founders and management put out into the world shape the culture and values of their organization.

[19:40] Buying Freedom With Money

  • Eckhart Tolle
  • His early childhood memories of money and how it impacted his opinions of self and wealth. (20:00)
  • Why money may not buy happiness but it can buy freedom.
  • How to acquire money as a tool and resource to help others.
  • His mission to figure out how to give others money in the most impactful way, pay it forward, and have it be an evergreen asset.
  • The big awakening he had that our possessions come to possess us and how he’s trying to free himself of that.
  • Why your first job is to first get out of scarcity so that you can find your voice and share it with the world.
  • The increase of interest in co-living communities rather than everyone living on their own to decrease financial burdens.
  • Why we have a fear of money and are afraid to ask for more for the work that we do for the world.
  • The traumatic effects that capitalism has had on society's past and present pursuits for money. (25:50)

[26:10] The Psychological Effects Of Wealth & Money

  • Jordan Peterson
  • Exploring systematic desensitization around wealth and money.
  • Why we naturally double the amount of money we spend when our paychecks double.
  • Letting go of unnecessary purchases and looking to buy things that truly serve you and your purpose.
  • The truth about money and why just having it is not enough to get you ahead; you have to become the entrepreneur of your life. (30:00)
  • Taboos surrounding personal finance and why we’re so resistant to even discuss it with friends. (33:00)
  • How we can get rid of the idea that money is bad and increase society’s literacy in personal finance.
  • What we can do to improve for-profit business models so that they are more regenerative in the forms of donations and grants to help the world. (35:30)
  • What he’s the most excited for in the future of developments of humanity.

[37:00] Up Leveling Today’s Society

Power Quotes From The Show

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Can business be a force of change for good? Can it create things that provide more meaning, love, or connection? Can it be better for the planet? I don't know but I still believe that you do well by doing good.' – @timechange ” quote=”‘Can business be a force of change for good? Can it create things that provide more meaning, love, or connection? Can it be better for the planet? I don't know but I still believe that you do well by doing good.' – @timechange “]

Do Well By Doing Good

“Can business be a force of change for good? Can it create things that provide more meaning, love, or connection? Can it be better for the planet? I don't know but I still believe that you do well by doing good.” – Tim Chang


The Work-Life Balance Myth

“There's no separation between work and play nor does a work-life balance exist because your work is a reflection of who you are in life.” – Tim Chang


Management's Inner Energy

“All businesses and organizations are an expression of the Founders' and managements' inner energy. So, if you tune into that, that's what truly shapes cultures and values.” – Tim Chang

Links From Today's Show 

About Tim Chang

Tim ChangTim Chang is Managing Director at Mayfield Fund, focusing on investments in mobile, gamification, digital media, social science-based businesses, quantified self, eCommerce, & adtech in the US & China. From the cutting edge of psychedelic technology to Burning Man, Tim brings a level of consciousness & out-of-the box thinking to Silicon Valley. He led the funding for Tripp a mind-altering technodelic VR company. Tim is an accomplished musician as well as a body & consciousness hacking enthusiast.

What Does Any Human REALLY Want? | Tim Chang

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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