Tech Detox: Reconnecting with Nature in the Digital Age

Tech Detox: Reconnecting with Nature in the Digital AgeThe era dominated by digital solutions, too much screen time, and constant connectivity also created a need for a tech detox. Taking a step back from a life controlled by tech and reconnecting with nature is a crucial step for every individual’s physical and mental health, so let’s learn more about it together.

The Impact of Technology on Our Lives

For many people, staying connected to the digital world is a part of everyday life. An average adult person in the US spends around 11 hours a day watching, listening, reading, or interacting with different types of media.

And while our beloved screens do keep us entertained and informed, using them too much can lead to a variety of physical problems, including computer eye strain. As for mental well-being, it can be affected by the excessive use of social media which sometimes gradually replaces real-world interactions.

Tech Detox: The Importance of Nature for Human Well-Being

Not only is nature a universal cure which makes you feel better emotionally, but it also contributes to one’s physical health by reducing muscle tension, blood pressure, and the production of stress hormones.

What’s more, the benefits of nature also extend to cognitive functions. Even 120 minutes spent in nature per week can improve existing health outcomes. The positive effects are boosted if you engage with nature actively by noticing specific elements like the rustle of leaves or the lovely sound of birdsong.

How to Disconnect from Tech

Let’s go over some practical strategies that can help you unplug:

Set Limits

It isn’t always possible to be entirely disconnected, but you can always set healthy limits on the use of digital devices. For example, you can play music on your phone while you work out but keep it set to airplane mode to keep calls and texts blocked. Try to do the same when you’re eating, spending time with others, and before bedtime. Limiting the timing and the type of connections will help you truly enjoy real-life activities.

Spend More Time Outdoors

Spending time outdoors, especially in a peaceful place, is the best way to reconnect with living things and detach from the tech you tend to overuse. Pay a visit to a local park, a remote hideaway, or even your backyard garden.

Even better – try to combine your time in nature with physical activity. Find a sport that keeps you going regardless of its level of complexity and understand what it is that motivates you every day. Ideally, fill every week with a balanced mixture of rest, activity, and mindfulness.

Get Outside Without Your Phone

The simplest way to prevent excessive use of mobile devices is to put a physical space between you and your smartphone. Even though it may sound hard, you will quickly notice how after just a few minutes, your hands will stop searching for the phone, you will stop expecting the sound of notifications, and your eyes will start enjoying the scenery. Whether it’s a long walk or a quick errand, leaving your home phone-free is an excellent strategy for a digital detox.

The Benefits of Embracing Nature

It is natural for humans to appreciate nature and interact with it, but this bond has been damaged in today’s digitally-driven society. But if you put some effort into building the connection again, you will experience numerous benefits for your mental, physical, and cognitive health.

Spending time in nature can calm your mind, boost your mood, reduce stress, and lessen the symptoms and depression or anxiety. On top of that, nature gives your brain a chance to rest, which helps it perform at a higher level. As for your physical well-being, you should know that exposure to nature can enhance sleep quality, reduce blood pressure, and minimize the risks of chronic and cardiovascular disease.

Letting technology run a large portion of your life might be convenient, but it certainly takes a toll on your health. That is why you must take a moment to reflect on your habits and start creating a healthier lifestyle. When done right, digital detox does not have to be a burden, and once you feel the benefits of reconnecting with nature, you will find it much easier to limit the use of tech.


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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