The 5 Personality Patterns | Steven Kessler

Steven Kessler

The 5 Personality Patterns | Steven Kessler “We think that we are the ones making decisions but our personality patterns are the ones in control by keeping us in the past and fueling old traumas. That's our invisible prison and it will run our lives unless we're able to focus on being present.” – Steven KesslerDo you truly know who you are at your core?In Wellness + Wisdom episode 264,licensed psychotherapist, certifiedEFT Expert & Trainer, and Bestselling Author ofThe 5 Personality Patterns

, Steven Kessler, explains why we don't have a personality type but a personality pattern, what safety strategies are and how they impact our personality patterns, and what the 3 Centers of Intelligence in the body are which lay out the foundation for self-confidence.

Listen and discover how to recognize, track, and detach yourself from your own personality patterns by being present with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

The 5 Personality Patterns

Click here to read The 5 Personality Patterns by Steven Kessler


Steven KesslerHow well do you know yourself, really?

Do you know:

  • why you react emotionally the way you do?
  • why you think and behave the way you do?
  • what is really running your life?

This book will open your eyes to your own inner world like nothing else has.In reality, most of your suffering is not necessary. It's created by old safety strategies that helped you survive your childhood, but then got stuck in your body and covered up your true self. Today they're an invisible prison, shaping your world, your relationships, and even who you think you are.Have you begun to figure out that something deeper than your conscious awareness is shaping your life? Deciding where your attention goes and what you think and feel? How you make decisions? Even who you love? Here is a map to that inner terrain — a simple, clear, true-to-life map that gives you the key to understanding everyone, including yourself. If you like the Enneagram, the MBTI, or any other inner map, you'll love this book.Readers say:

  • This book has changed my life.
  • This book is incredible.
  • This brilliant book has been a game changer in my life.
  • Understanding people this way is like having x-ray vision!

This book can change your life. It's already changed the lives of many others. Get yours and discover how you got stuck and how you can get f

The 5 Personality Patterns

[spp-tweet tweet=“”Being present is actually much more rewarding and better than being in any of the 5 personality patterns.” – Steven Kessler on Wellness + Wisdom episode 264″]

Listen To Episode 264 As Steven Kessler Uncovers:

• The differences between Safety Strategies and Personality Patterns.• How we can get out of a stuck personality loop by being more present with ourselves.• His definition of presence and how he sees it now after so many years of learning and spiritual practice.• How the past remains in our bodies by being fueled by previous traumas.• The most common moments of being present that we find ourselves in but why we find we're unable to live in that feeling for very long.• How he maintains healthy boundaries that allow him a space of presence.• Exercises we can use to practice being present including feeling our core.• The 3 Centers of Intelligence in the body: The Head Center, The Heart Center, and The Belly Center which lay out the foundation for self-confidence.• Why we mistake our patterns and safety strategies for confidence when they're really a prison.• The distortion of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings based on our perception of what we see, hear, and experience.• His mapped out plan for how we can understand our personalities and safety strategies.• Josh's own personality pattern, Enduring, and what people who have this personality pattern should be aware of.• Why he doesn't like the word, “type” in personality type because it's not who you are from birth to death.• How we can recognize when we're in “pattern” and track it; especially when we're feeling overwhelmed.• What he did to become more aware of his own personality patterns and then what steps he took so that it wasn't so attached to him anymore.• How to stay with yourself and respond from a heartfelt place rather than go into a pattern when faced with backlash and criticism.• How you can learn more about your personality pattern through resources on his website and in his book, The 5 Personality Patterns.• Why the inner work we do is endless for the rest of our lives.• His definition of consciousness and why it differs from spirituality.• How plant medicine can be very helpful to open up our experiences beyond the bounds of our personality patterns with the help of an experienced guide.• How uncovering your personality pattern can be a tool for recovering from addiction.

Power Quotes From The Show

[spp-tweet tweet=””No one ever finishes their inner work because the mystery is bottomless.” – Steven Kessler on @wellnessforce Radio episode 262″]

“Most of us are so used to being in one or more patterns that we think that's who we are. If you ask someone, ‘Why do you behave that way?' They'll respond, ‘That's just the way I am,' or ‘That's all I know,' or ‘That's me,' because they're not used to experiencing themselves as presence. They're only used to experiencing themselves in pattern.” – Steven Kessler

“To be present in the moment is to be here and fully here rather than have an automatic mechanism from the past running in the background that is distorting your perception, thoughts, and feelings. In order to be present now, you cannot be in your personality pattern.” – Steven Kessler

“We'll select the safety strategies that work the best for us and then repeat them over and over again. As we repeat our favorite safety strategies, they become conditioned into our body and develop into personality patterns. These patterns run automatically as soon as we even feeling slightly overwhelmed.” – Steven Kessler

“I don't use the term, ‘personality types,' because this is not who you are from birth to death. A Personality pattern is a map of safety strategies or what you do rather than who you are.” – Steven Kessler

The Gifts of Each Personality Pattern

Links From Today's Show

About Steven Kessler

Steven KesslerSteven Kesslerhas been studying people his whole life. As early as the 9th grade, he was attending the school plays night after night to learn more about people’s emotions. After a stint studying physics at MIT, he transferred to acting school at Boston University for his undergraduate degree. After four years as an actor and lighting designer in the New England Repertory Theatre, he decided to delve even deeper into the human psyche by getting his MA in Transpersonal Psychology. For almost 30 years, he’s been a licensed psychotherapist, studying many different healing modalities and maps of personality, including Character Structure, the Enneagram, NLP, energy work, Thought Field Therapy, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). He is a certified EFT Expert & Trainer.Steven has also spent many years studying the evolution of human consciousness. For over 30 years he has pursued various spiritual and meditation practices, including 16 years in the Diamond Heart meditation school. For over 10 years, he has been a student of Lynda Caesara, studying Character Structure, the direct perception of energy, and shamanism in the lineage of Grandfather Two Bears and the Southern Seers tradition.Since 1984 Steven has taught hundreds of groups and workshops in the US and internationally, helping men and women heal their wounds and grow into their full adult selves. More recently he has taught over 100 classes and workshops training other therapists in the use of EFT. From 2006 to 2010, Steven left his private practice for 2-3 months a year to work on US military bases both in North America and overseas, helping the soldiers and their families heal the wounds of war.His bestselling book, The 5 Personality Patterns, deepens the insights of character structure and, for the first time, presents its map of the human personality to the general public. Many people claim that reading it has been a life-changing experience, which has enabled them to finally understand both themselves and others.

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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