SOLOCAST | Mental Health Test: 5 Clear Ways To Know If You’re Struggling (And What To Do About It)

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 526

Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host and Wellness Force Media CEO, Josh Trent, shares how to identify whether you struggle with mental health problems with a simple mental health test.

In this solocast, you will learn:

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Listen To Episode 526 As Josh Trent Uncovers How To Get Rid Of Struggling + Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health is often viewed as a taboo topic, but it's something that we all need to be aware of.

It's estimated that one in five adults in the United States suffers from some form of mental illness, so it's important to know the signs.

In this article, we are going to talk about the 5 clear ways to know if you're struggling with your mental health and what you can do to get help.

The DSM-5 is the reference source for health professionals to assist in identifying and diagnosing mental illnesses.

But let's be honest the DSM-5 was created by pharmaceutical companies to sell pills, so take that with a grain of salt.

I think that really the core of all mental health disorders is a broken body that was injured by some kind of psychic malady or disconnection from self.

In other words, mental health is a byproduct of trauma and stress to the body left unchecked.

So anyways, back to the DSM.

It contains nearly 300 different disorders which have been organized into various categories, including mood disorders, anxiety disorder personality disorders etc.

Despite its obvious helpfulness there has long been a debate regarding how we define what exactly constitutes an official diagnosis as this characterization can be impacted by our society's views of specific behaviors and thought patterns.

Nevertheless most forms of illness are recognized cross culturally suggesting that regardless of varying societal standards many issues remain universal when it comes to recognizing signs or symptoms related to mental distress.

Some of the main groups of mental disorders are:

  • mood disorders (such as depression or bipolar disorder)
  • anxiety disorders
  • personality disorders
  • psychotic disorders (such as schizophrenia)
  • eating disorders
  • trauma-related disorders (such as post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • substance abuse disorders

The diagnosis of mental illness can be controversial.

There have been many debates in the medical community about what is and isn’t a mental illness.

Although the manual has been extremely helpful in diagnosing mental illnesses, there has been an ongoing debate on how we define certain behaviors or thought patterns as officially constituting a disorder.

This is because society's views may vary when it comes to characterizing certain behaviors or thought processes as indicative of mental distress.

However, most forms of illness are recognized across all cultures, which means many issues surrounding mental health are universal regardless of varying societal standards.

The definition can be influenced by our society and culture, but most mental illnesses occur across all countries and cultures.

Mental health is an important topic that many people struggle to discuss.

It’s estimated that one in five adults in the United States suffer from some kind of mental illness, which means it’s important to be aware of the signs and know what you can do to get help.

So, how can you tell if you’re struggling with your mental health?

Here are the five clear ways to know if you're struggling and what to do about it

One way is through self-awareness: Are you feeling unusually sad or having trouble sleeping? Are you displaying signs of anxiety such as sweating profusely or using alcohol/drugs as a coping mechanism? Do you feel like your thoughts are spiraling out of control? All these symptoms could indicate potential underlying emotional distress.

Another thing to look out for is behavior changes. These could include recklessness such as irresponsible spending habits or activities that put your physical safety at risk; isolation from friends and family; or an unexplained drop in performance at work or school despite sufficient effort applied previously. All these are red flags that should not be ignored.

Thirdly, changes in appetite or weight gain/loss could also be linked to underlying mental distress. Unexplained changes in appetite can lead to erratic eating habits which over time can cause serious damage both physically and mentally if left untreated.

Fourthly, physical ailments related to stress can manifest such as headaches and muscle tension due to prolonged periods of stress hormone release followed by fatigue after those hormones have worn off. If any of these physical ailments persist despite adequate rest then it would be wise to consider consulting with a doctor who may refer a person on for psychological assessment depending upon their findings from other tests done prior to the referral process being completed.

Finally, suicidal thoughts should never be taken lightly even if they seem fleeting or temporary; professional help should always be sought immediately when faced with such thoughts regardless if they come suddenly without warning or intensifies slowly over time before eventually becoming unbearable.

If any of these symptoms describe how you are currently feeling then it might be helpful for you to seek professional help such as visiting your local GP first before deciding on whether therapy sessions would benefit your situation further.

You may also benefit from joining support groups where members share their experiences with each other in order to create a safe space for individuals who find themselves battling similar difficulties in life.

Other forms of treatment like medication, yoga/meditation, art & music therapy may also provide relief during particularly tough times experienced by those who suffer from their own set of internal struggles so please don't hesitate to seek out any form of assistance available within reach right now!

Mental Health and Productivity

Our mental health profoundly influences our ability to be productive. When we struggle with depression, anxiety or burnout; it saps the motivation and results in increased stress, which can have harmful impacts on ourselves and those around us. On the other hand, disorders such as ADHD make daily tasks much harder to accomplish due to difficulty focusing and staying attentive.

Rather than viewing mental wellness only through a productivity lens, there are additional benefits for pursuing treatment – like improved relationships, healthier lifestyles choices and natural relaxation techniques that ensure a more balanced life overall. Investing in your own personal wellbeing is not just beneficial from an output perspective but also increases happiness levels.

From the individual to social levels, depression profoundly impacts productivity in everyday life. On an economic scale, research estimates that depressed employees cost billions through lost production and escalated healthcare costs annually.

Not only does feeling despondent hamper one's ability to tackle responsibilities or enjoy leisure activities – it can also worsen depressive symptoms if these feelings of unproductivity persist over time; resulting in a vicious cycle with few solutions available without professional help.

Mental Health and ADHD

Mental health issues such as ADHD, depression, and anxiety can all take a serious toll on someone's productivity.

Symptoms of difficulty concentrating, staying motivated or memory problems are similar no matter the disorder.

It is important to realize that burnout–classified by the WHO as an occupational phenomenon–is also something to be aware of in order to understand what one may be struggling with at work.

Identifying where these feelings manifest most prominently gives people insight into possible causes and helps them address their symptoms accordingly. mental health and ADHD.

Mental health is an important part of overall wellbeing.

Taking care of your mental health can help you feel better, cope with stress, and make healthier decisions.

Struggling? Here are 11 things to do about it!

These 11 things will directly boost and support your mental health, no matter where, on the journey that you are:

  1. Track gratitude and achievement with a journal. Writing down three things you were grateful for and three things you accomplished each day can help you stay positive and motivated.
  2. Start your day off right by taking time for yourself in the morning. This could be anything from reading a book or meditating to going for a walk or doing yoga. Get your new morning routine in a six-part guide that has been backed by science. You can get yours at
  3. Value yourself and practice self-care by setting aside time for activities that bring you joy, like playing music or painting.
  4. Take care of your body by eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep each night.
  5. Surround yourself with good people who make you feel supported and loved, and take time to connect with them regularly through meaningful conversations or activities together.
  6. Learn how to deal with stress in healthy ways such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, or talking it out with someone close to you.
  7. Quiet your mind by taking breaks throughout the day to do something calming like listening to music or going for a nature walk in the park.
  8. Make sure to plan ahead so that you don’t get overwhelmed when deadlines approach or life gets busy; break down big tasks into smaller ones so they don’t seem so daunting!
  9. Get creative! Expressing yourself through art can be a great way to release emotions and get inspired at the same time.
  10. Finally, remember that it’s ok not to be ok sometimes – give yourself permission to take a break when needed and reach out for help if needed!
  11. Do breathwork. Breathwork has been found to be an effective tool for managing anxiety. Studies have shown that when we focus on our breath, we can reduce the release of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress!

Breathwork also helps calm the mind and body as it relaxes the muscles and creates a sense of inner peace and balance.

In addition to its calming effects, breathwork has been shown to provide relief from physical symptoms such as rapid heart rate and tense muscles.

By controlling the rate of breathing, breathwork can help improve respiratory health by increasing lung capacity and oxygen delivery throughout the body.

Furthermore, some research suggests that regular practice of breathwork increases our ability to remain focused under high-pressure situations, while also decreasing fatigue levels.

It can even help improve sleep patterns by aiding in restful nights of deep sleep without interruption.

Ultimately, this makes us more productive during the day by providing us with increased energy and clarity of mind.

Because it is a natural remedy, breathwork is easy to learn and there are no known side effects associated with its use.

Moreover, it requires no special equipment or specific location, making it easy to incorporate into any lifestyle without disruption or inconvenience.

Scientific research around conscious connected breathwork is still in the early stages.

Yet, it is rapidly being explored more and more by global health enthusiasts, yoga practitioners, and also wellness advocates.

Consider reviewing more studies for Holotropic Breathwork that support claims of potential healing effects (this article summarizes is great).

Breathwork & The Default Mode Network

During a deeper session, everything comes up and deep breathing creates physical and emotional symptoms that become intense.

This gives me an opportunity to become aware, process, and release them energetically and physically.

In an early study on Holotropic Breathwork from 2007, the researchers found that voluntary hyperventilation resulted in the disinhibition of previously avoided or suppressed stimuli.

Takeaway: When I (and you) do conscious breathwork regularly, it strengthens neural pathways to a calmer sense of self and higher levels of intelligence.

My subconscious mind opens up for exploration which allows for easier access to it on a day-to-day basis.

Think of it as a powerful way to free yourself from the limiting beliefs stored deep in the subconscious mind.

The egoic mind eases and and an access point is created to integrating this deep inner work into your everyday life.

Dive deeper about becoming a student of the BREATHE | Breath & Wellness program.


You'll learn how to pull the only lever in your ANS (Automatic Nervous System) that will make you more resilient and adaptive to stress.

All by turning down the volume of the default mode network.

Learn more about BREATHE | Breath & Wellness program.

My name is Josh Trent, and I have a passion for Breathwork.. for SO many reasons.

If I only had the power of the breath to help me control and let go of my chronic stress.

If I only had what you have right in front of you here with the BREATHE | Breath & Wellness 21 Day Program… I would have saved myself over two decades of pain.

Better Breathwork

Since 2017, I've spent 4 years traveling around the world to Thailand, Sedona, Costa Rica and much more to learn the art and science of the breath from some of the most sought after teachers globally to bring you this 21 day program.

I call this journey “my return back home to myself,” and I'm here to share all the lessons, practical and ancient wisdom and techniques with you.

In this program, you will use breath as your ally and trusted companion to guide you through stress.

By the end of the 21 Days in BREATHE | Breath & Wellness, you will know, trust, and embody the phrase: “If I can breathe, I can choose.”

Links From Today's Show 

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

Living a life of WELLNESS doesn’t have to be so hard...

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Trent Family

Find freedom from chronic stress using your breath.

Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? The BREATHE | Breath & Wellness 21 day guided program was made for you. I created BREATHE after my own dark nights of the soul and years of research traveling the world in search of the truth about self-healing.


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