“When you fast, you force yourself to become more aware of what you consume; whether it be food or media. So, when people need to detox from propaganda and marketing, I will them to do an advertising fast. Without changing their behavior otherwise, they see how long they can go without seeing, hearing, or viewing an advertisement. People think doing a 24-hour food fast is hard but this is impossible because the only way that you'll escape is if you don't have your phone on and you're in the woods.” – Sky King
Wellness + Wisdom Episode 453
Host of Sky King's Mental Playground Podcast, Entrepreneur, and Social Media Marketer, Sky King, unpacks how podcasting has escaped the standard media model, the future of business models + gamification, and the psychology of propaganda + marketing plus how to exit the matrix.
How can you set up a noise-free day and do a proper advertising fast?
By the end of this episode, you will have a full understanding of propaganda in its truest form, how it has infiltrated marketing on a global scale, and how you can consciously let go of its influence.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”When you fast, you force yourself to become more aware of what you consume; whether it be food or media. So, when people need to detox from propaganda and marketing, I will tell them to do an advertising fast. – @consumersky” quote=”When you fast, you force yourself to become more aware of what you consume; whether it be food or media. So, when people need to detox from propaganda and marketing, I will tell them to do an advertising fast. – @consumersky”]
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Listen To Episode 453 As Sky King Uncovers:
[1:30] Stoa and The Future of Business Models: Gamification
- Sky King
- Sky King's Mental Playground Podcast
- Modern Stoa
- Unpacking who Sky King is and his mission with his podcast, Sky King's Mental Playground.
- What his ideal world looks like and why.
- About his company, Stoa, and what their goal is for the future.
- 196 Aubrey Marcus
- How the largest social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have really devoured the human psyche.
- Sky's advertising background and what he saw in the culmination of early 2020.
- The fact that the business model of news outlets goes all the way back to even 1914 and has always had a negative focus.
- How another American-Mexican war was almost started by Hearst Castle because of how he decided to word titles and phrases in large vs small type.
- Hyper targeting people to steal our attention away and essentially entertain us.
- Why Sky decided to launch his podcast during the 2016 presidential election campaigns because of the influence of media and advertising.
[14:40] The Influence of Podcasting
- Wellness Force Store
- Josh's promise to never promote a product on the podcast or the website that he and his family don't use themselves.
- The moment podcasting morphed into a stronger media hold.
- What scares Sky the most about big podcast networks.
- The work Modern Stoa does with podcasters and why they're the direct client, not outside brands that sponsor the show.
- Exploring the division that has been created amongst us from different media and political camps when it's all just imagination.
- How we're taught to hate one another to divide us via politics and when that started in the USA.
- Henry Luce, the Editor in Chief – The New York Times
[23:00] The Waste that Propaganda & Advertising Create
- The negative impact of advertising including all of the waste and division it ultimately creates in the world.
- How we begin to associate the brands that we buy with our tribe or community.
- Josh's astonishment at how many people actually succumbed to fear and gave away their power during the plandemic.
- How to be more conscious of how we're using our energy and where we're placing our attention.
- What podcasting has done for Sky to improve his life.
- The value of time but why our attention is even more valuable
- Why Sky wants to build a gamified model of media and what that will look like once it's ready.
- How audience members can help their favorite podcasts grow with this gamified model.
[38:30] Unpacking Web 3's, NFTs, Crypto, and Blockchain
- Taking an even deeper dive at Web 3's, NFTs, Crypto, and Blockchain in our modern world.
- Henry Luce, the Editor in Chief – The New York Times
- The Sandbox Game
- What new business models look like now and what they will look like in the future.
- Breaking down what Web 3's are and how they differ from Web 1 and Web 2.
- What exactly a “wallet” is in the online and tech world and how it stores your crypto.
- What Talisman is and why Sky is a big fan of it for its UX.
- Sky King's Mental Playground Episode 2: Mike Pullano (Talisman
- How different websites like Facebook track your movements online with Pixel.
- Why Apple decided to auto untoggle your ability to give ad data and why that is huge for our privacy.
- What NFTs exactly are and how they've expanded across the internet.
- The shadowbanning that Wellness Force Media has experienced on social media and YouTube.
- What vision there is for Web 3 without any middlemen that get involved compared to Web 2.
[51:30] How to Stop Losing the Morning and Start Winning Your Mind
- The fact that billboard ads are strategically placed at an angle to be in your peripheral vision.
- Hide Feed app
- Superhuman – The World's Fastest Email
- How to setup your day for yourself to avoid as much advertising and unwanted noise as much as possible.
- 388 Dr. Jud Brewer | Unwinding Anxiety
- 319 Dr. Jud Brewer: Simple Ways To Break Bad Habits
- The various benefits of delaying gratification, doing hard things, and biohacking with cold tanks, intermittent fasting, or saunas.
[1:02:00] Unpacking the Negative Impact of CV 19 Propaganda
- Exploring other ways that we are slaves to advertising and propaganda.
- Unpacking the vaccine trials and how the media has twisted the words of these pharmaceutical companies.
- How society has shifted to a point where it has become normalized to “sacrifice” the youth for the sake of the elderly because of a virus that had no impact on the youth.
- CV19 Truth Series: Protecting Your Health Freedom
- 430 Zach Bush MD
- David R Hawkins
- Exploring the practical ways that we can come together as human beings in a community especially when we're constantly being bombarded by propaganda.
- Consciously unpacking and closing the space between the head and the heart.
- Byron Katie
- How to practice mindfulness when something irks you and why it takes some time to condition that.
[1:23:00] How to Build a Better Media Monetization System
- Unpacking how our history's wars have started and why they're connected plus the impact of fiat currency to keep them going.
- How bitcoin, Web 3, NFTs, and crypto are changing the monetization of war indefinitely.
- Why you might want to consider investing in some type of cryptocurrency.
- 442 Robert Breedlove
- The Chinese Communist Party and its impact on our education system with a specific story at the University of Texas.
- Top takeaways people should know about the CCP's activity in the USA.
- How much impact the CCP actually has on advertising and our attention.
- Sky's recent podcast identifying with the Asian culture.
- Censorship in movies that are shown in Asian countries.
- Why it's important to explore the dark so that we can bring in more light into the world.
- Practical first steps we can take now to live life well and support our favorite platforms.
- breathwork.io
- Critical Path by R. Buckminster Fuller
Power Quotes From The Show
[click_to_tweet tweet=”If we can create systems that reward people so that they consume to earn, create to earn – you are rewarding people for their most valuable asset and you also reward creators for building entertaining education – @consumersky” quote=”If we can create systems that reward people so that they consume to earn, create to earn – you are rewarding people for their most valuable asset and you also reward creators for building entertaining education – @consumersky”]
A New Attention-Focused Model
“We have this sacred thing: our focused attention; the most valuable asset in the world. The only thing that you will never get back; the most valuable thing. With how we have evolved consciously, technologically, and spiritually – we have to build a model, a system that transfers energy and is in more in alignment with that at all costs.” – Sky King
Podcast Gamification: A Win-Win Solution
“If we can create systems that reward people so that they consume to earn, create to earn – you are rewarding people for their most valuable asset and you also reward creators for building entertaining education that shapes communities and changes people's lives.” – Sky King
Honoring Your Time & Attention
“Honor yourself by paying attention to where you place your attention. Practical first steps are all about getting back in alignment. Ask yourself, ‘Am I acting in alignment when I want to receive advertisers or when I want to support the people who spend their lives doing the research so that I can learn? So that I can be better; and that I can lose weight; that I can be happier; and so that I can be less anxious. ‘ ” – Sky King
Links From Today's Show
- Sky King's Mental Playground Podcast
- Modern Stoa
- 196 Aubrey Marcus
- Henry Luce, the Editor in Chief – The New York Times
- The Sandbox Game
- Sky King's Mental Playground Episode 2: Mike Pullano (Talisman)
- Hide Feed app
- Superhuman – The World's Fastest Email
- 388 Dr. Jud Brewer | Unwinding Anxiety
- 319 Dr. Jud Brewer: Simple Ways To Break Bad Habits
- CV19 Truth Series: Protecting Your Health Freedom
- 430 Zach Bush MD
- David R Hawkins
- Byron Katie
- 442 Robert Breedlove
- Shop the Wellness Force Store
- breathwork.io
- Paleovalley – Save 15% on your ACV Complex with the code ‘JOSH'
- Seeking Health – Save 10% with the code ‘JOSH'
- Organifi – Special 20% off to our listeners with the code ‘WELLNESSFORCE'
- Drink LMNT – Zero Sugar Hydration: Get your free LMNT Sample Pack, you only cover the cost of shipping
- Botanic Tonics – Save 40% when you use the code ‘WELLNESS40′
- Essential Oil Wizardry: Save 10% with the code ‘WELLNESSFORCE'
- Cured Nutrition – Get 15% off of your order when you visit wellnessforce.com/cured + use the code ‘WELLNESSFORCE'
- M21 Wellness Guide
- Wellness Force Community
- Leave Wellness Force a review on iTunes
- Sky King
Sky King Resources: Hong Kong Arrests January 6th
Wednesday January 6th the Hong Kong police had arrested 53 people, searched 76 places and frozen $200,000 of assets in connection with an informal primary for the pro-democracy camp — all under the auspices of Beijing’s new national security law.
In one swoop, the authorities rounded up not only some of the most aggressive critics of the Hong Kong government but also little-known figures who had campaigned on far less political issues, in one of the most forceful shows of power in the Chinese Communist Party’s continuing crackdown on the city…
The HKSAR government said these persons are suspected to have violated the offense of subversion under the national security law in Hong Kong.
What does this mean in the context of the relationship with HK and Beijing?
Through plotting the plans of the so-called “35-plus” and the “10-step mutual destruction scheme”, and conducting the so-called “primary election” among themselves, these arrestees are suspected to have conspired to obtain 35 or more seats at the Legislative Council (LegCo) with a view to recklessly and willfully voting down all the funding applications from the government to the LegCo and the Budget, forcing the resignation of the chief executive, as well as bringing the HKSAR government to a complete standstill.
The whole plan sought to paralyze the government and seriously interfere in, disrupt and undermine the performance of government duties and functions, and compel the Central People's Government and the HKSAR government.
Police arrested lawyer John Clancey, who served as treasurer for the primary organizers, according to Jonathan Man, a partner at Hong Kong’s Ho Tse Wai & Partners, which has handled hundreds of protest cases and where Clancey is a solicitor.
Man said Clancey is a U.S. citizen, potentially providing a new source of tensions between Beijing and Washington.
It is a crime to “organize, plan, commit, or participate in” one of the following acts, “with a view to subvert State power” by “ force, threat of force, or other unlawful means” (art. 22, para. 1):
Subversion & The CCP?
This is what they meant by “subvert” the government overthrowing or destroying China’s basic system as established by the P.R.C. Constitution, overthrowing China’s central authority or the authority of Hong Kong.
Carl Minzner, an expert on Chinese law and governance at Fordham University, added that Beijing’s control in Hong Kong, as in China’s other restive peripheral regions, involves “a particular emphasis on remodeling communities viewed as insufficiently patriotic and loyal” through ideological education and mass arrests, and efforts to co-opt “institutions that Beijing feels it does not fully control.”
Civic Party chairman Alan Leong said the arrests showed the authorities ignored citizens’ right to vote.
He said he could not see why – in their promise to exercise the power to veto budgets as enshrined in the Basic Law – the democrats would end up being subversive.
The plan by the opposition was called the [[35-plus plan]].
I need to look into this more and what it means.
– Sky
About Sky King
Sky King is a podcaster, social media marketer, and entrepreneur. His obsession with how the media programs and shapes our reality led him down the path of understanding media manipulation, realizing in 2016 that podcasting was escaping the standard media model.
Sky has made it his mission to continue allowing podcasts to stay outside the influence of advertising and keep their content sincere.
His podcast Sky King's Mental Playground focuses on the tension between centralized and decentralized systems, specifically on propaganda, financial systems, and political systems. You can listen at skmp.supercast.com or follow Sky on Twitter @consumersky or Instagtram @iamaskyking.
Propaganda, Art, Health, Regenerative Systems, Great Food, Economic Incentives, and building companies in an increasingly digital world.
All of these concepts live in the balance of centralized and decentralized systems. I believe that if we are not careful, we will watch the pendulum swing away from self-governance, and in that swing, we have the opportunity to lose the future of humanity to the dark side.
These are the concepts that own my mind space. This podcast is an opportunity to play with these ideas with world leaders, entrepreneurs, my homies, and people that I find generally exciting or entertaining.
It is called a playground for a reason. This podcast will be as fun as it is informative; we are tackling society's most pervasive issues, but in a way that we are undoubtedly going to fuck up, scribble on, and get hurt.