Wellness + Wisdom Episode 391
Founder of the International Transurfing Institute, Renée Garcia, unpacks what reality transurfing is and how you can use this psychological tool for personal development, shares her own personal success story of transcending her poverty into abundance and sickness into healing plus why we fall into the trap of unhappiness by seeking fulfilment outside of ourselves and how you can escape this mentality.
Are you living to your fullest potential? Are you answering the Universe's call?
Discover how you can reach the highest version of yourself by approaching life with the unique lense of reality transurfing.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”“Knowledge without application is merely entertainment.” – Renée Garcia of @TransurfingITI ” quote=”“Knowledge without application is merely entertainment.” – Renée Garcia of @TransurfingITI “]
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Listen To Episode 391 As Renée Garcia Uncovers:
[1:30] What Is Reality Transurfing?
- International Transurfing Institute Community
Renée's background in reality transurfing and how this psychological technology helps you become a better version of yourself.
Her journey transitioning to a career in luxury jewelry, reality transurfing, and the lessons she learned along the way.
Exploring the root of unhappiness for many people: Seeking fulfillment outside of themselves such as in a relationship or a job.
Her experience growing up in poverty and the choice she made to lead a new path different than her family's previous generations.
Why the more things she gained, from her job to her home, led to her feeling more and more panicked.
How she found meaning and happiness in her life when she began to disconnect from all of the external things she believed or was told would bring joy to her life.
What the Soul Fraile in Transurfing is: Dialing into the little specific code of who you are as an individual and acting from that place instead of connecting to what your external environment compels you to do.
[16:00] Raise Your Vibrations
Her profound life turning point that led her to leaving Los Angeles and detach from her previous lifestyle and old relationships.
Why the mirror has a huge role to play in the transurfing modality.
The moment she felt compelled to do more for the world by making a difference in it with her mission.
Why reality transurfing is a fairly new concept for the rest of the world outside of Russia.
Exploring the infosphere infinite archive of Reality Transurfing that holds various “films” of everything that happened will happen and could happen is stored.
How we can separate our own individual experiences from the collective to reframe our script to our advantage.
What she did to reshift her mindset in response to the COVID-19 lockdown and see it as an opportunity for growth.
Why we have it wrong when we believe that we have to “collectively” wake up or “collectively” raise our vibrations but be accountable for ourselves.
How the vibrations of other people around us are raised when we increase our own.
[26:30] Flip Your Life Script In 4 Steps
How she lined herself up with various versions of reality via a 4-step formula.
Why she doesn't coach people anymore because they loved the idea of reality transurfing but they lacked the desire or intent to take action.
Why you won't get what you want from reality transurfing if you do not have the intent to take action with its guidance.
What inspires the 10% to actually take action with reality transurfing compared to the rest?
How you can take action and open yourself up to different streams of reality variations from people to opportunities to ways to network.
What holds people back from accessing the different variables of reality: their fear and limiting beliefs.
How reality transurfing can help you unlock your spiritual courage and take the next step forward in your life.
What outer intention is and how it can help show you your next path and destination.
Why people often become discouraged and lost when they begin reality transurfing because they don't put enough trust into the process.
The beauty of being relaxed, quiet, and enjoying the moment of waiting for your world to show you the next step.
[40:00] How Your World Works For You
Why hustling and grinding will only take you so far and eventually lead to struggle and burnout.
The power of understanding what is external of you can help you on your life's path.
How to use your energy more efficiently to avoid crashing and burning.
What the Power Mode Of Operation is and how it allows your world to do the majority of the heavy lifting so that you just have to answer when it calls you.
Exploring the reality transurfing phrase, “my world,” and what it means in relation to the different variables and external factors that come together for our goals.
How to develop a really firm connection with the alternative spaces that exists externally.
Her spiritual journey and her view on a higher power and the Universe's plan at hand for all of us.
The sleep and mental health issues she experienced ten years ago including side effects from sleeping pills.
How you can tap into outer intention and the quantum field and alternative space or universal power that brings you what you want and sense of fulfillment.
[55:00] The Reality Transurfing Modalities
What flaws exist with reality transurfing including spiritual bypassing and narcissistic tendencies and goals.
How narcissism can be weaponized in the world of self development.
Exploring the transurfing modality that “Anything goes! As long as you are not hurting another person or people.”
Her definition of success and how she sees it in her own life and mission.
How the human psyche traps us to think we're safe when we have money or this and that.
What wellness means to her and where you can further connect with her online.
Power Quotes From The Show
[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Reality is simply a mirror reflecting back to you your attitudes, beliefs, and actions towards it.' – Renée Garcia of @TransurfingITI ” quote=”‘Reality is simply a mirror reflecting back to you your attitudes, beliefs, and actions towards it.' – Renée Garcia of @TransurfingITI “]
What ‘Anything Goes' Means For Transurfers
“Transurfing is a knowledge based in non-duality. We don't really believe in black and white. We believe in what is good for you. In that regard, I definitely could understand how some people could view reality transurfing as being a tool for a narcissist but I think that term is really thrown around in our culture. When you guilt someone or you call them a narcissist, what you're attempting to do is adhere that person to the script of your choosing. In the transurfing modality, we say ‘Anything goes as long as you are not hurting another person or people.' Transurfing is about opening your eyes to how society guilts you or pressures you into adhering to a script so that you can do your own thing.” – Renée Garcia
Are You Ready for Reality Transurfing?
“People love the idea of transurfing: the conversations, the concepts, and how it makes them feel but at the end of the day many of them lack the desire or the intent or the ability to actually take action in their lives and move in the direction of the reality they desire. The people who take action are actually taking my words, my videos, my lessons, or my course and they're applying them to their lives and they're seeing results. Your reality will not change if you're just entertained by reality transurfing and don't actually do anything.” – Renée Garcia
Finding Happiness Within Your Soul Fraile
Links From Today's Show
About Renée Garcia

Reality Transurfing… What Are You Waiting For