We help you see your life through a different lens—simplifying complex wellness information + knowledge into practical wisdom to make your life liberated.
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Improve Your Life In 15 Days or Less
• Deeper, more efficient sleep
• Way more energy + productivity
• Less stress, anxiety + overwhelm
• Improved immune function
• Better focus, attention + memory
• And even better sex (yes, really)
zivaONLINE Meditation is for the 99% of us who need less stress, less anxiety, better sleep, and more joy in our lives.
Are you ready to see drastic shifts in 15 days or less?
The Ziva technique is fast and effective. A 15-minute sitting is the equivalent of a 90-minute nap.
No clearing your mind, struggling to “focus,” or practicing frustrating breathing techniques.
It feels good. So much so that you’ll look forward to your Ziva sittings every day.
And the results are REAL. By reducing the stress in your body at the cellular level.
Maybe you’ve dabbled in meditation before. Maybe you even have an app on your phone. So do 100 million other people, yet stress worldwide is through the roof. It’s not working.
zivaONLINE is not an app. It is an enlightening, entertaining, consciousness-expanding experience.
There are so many myths out there about meditation — maybe you’re thinking: I can't clear my head. I've tried meditating before and hated it. I can't sit still. It's Hard to commit. I don't feel stressed. I'm too busy.
Did you know you can invest just 2% of your day to radically improve the other 98%? All you need is a super-powerful, super-effective tool that will help you reduce stress, overcome anxiety, and improve sleep — in only 15 minutes.