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Premium Quality Earthing + Grounding Products
• Reduced inflammation + pain
• Better sleep quality
• Lower blood viscosity
• Reduced cortisol levels
• Faster recovery
Premium Grounding offers earthing and grounding products such as mats, bed sheets, and accessories designed to connect you with the Earth's natural energy.
Their products are crafted with conductive materials like stainless steel and carbonized rubber, ensuring durability and effectiveness in promoting health and well-being.
Earthing works by facilitating the flow of electrons from the Earth's negatively charged surface into the human body. This process neutralizes positively charged free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to inflammation and various chronic diseases.
The Science Behind Earthing
When we make direct contact with the Earth or use conductive systems indoors, our bodies become grounded, allowing electrons to flow freely. The Earth's surface maintains a limitless supply of free electrons due to the global atmospheric electrical circuit. These electrons act as natural antioxidants, neutralizing the positive charge accumulated in our bodies from free radicals.
Free Radicals + Electron Transfer
Free radicals are highly reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can promote changes in DNA, cell damage, and oxidation of lipids and proteins. The electron transfer mechanism involved in earthing helps to stabilize these free radicals by donating electrons, effectively reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.
This process of electron transfer and free radical neutralization can lead to various physiological changes and reported improvements in well-being, including reduced inflammation, better sleep quality, and enhanced cardiovascular health.