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Dr. Jade Teta

Lose Weight Here

Lose Weight Here dr. jade tetaGET THE BOOK

One of the most common disappointments among dieters is their failure to lose weight where they want to lose it.

They are often left with the same shape they struggled so hard to change.

Lose Weight Here shows readers that “spot reduction” is possible and how they can lose weight quickly in all the right places.

Lose Weight Here rethinks traditional weight-management techniques by optimizing the two proven components for successful weight loss: low calories and hormone balance.

By teaching us how to understand our individual and unique metabolism, Dr. Jade Teta's methods prove how we can keep our bodies, hormones, and energy in check.

The 5 Metabolic Myths With Dr. Jade Teta

jade tetaListen to episode 067 of the Wellness + Wisdom podcast with Dr. Jade Teta, and discover what he learned through decades of experience working with the human metabolism and the top 5 metabolic myths that are holding people back from having real health and wellness.

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