Podcasting: A Gamified Media Model? Why Attention The New NFT

Welcome back to the podcast! If you're here for the first time, welcome!

Consider this a digital high five and a hug. If we were hanging out in a coffee shop we would be smiling at each other because this episode is about freedom and this place is called Wellness + Wisdom.

If you're already subscribed, amazing! If not, it's always free and it's always amazing. If you haven't subscribed, get on the train, my friend!

Don't miss another episode on Spotify or Apple or YouTube. Wherever you are on your favorite device or screen just tap the little button that says ‘subscribe' and you will always stay connected to us. You'll learn about all the giveaways and free stuff we have coming up in the episodes ahead.

Podcasting: A Gamified Media Model?

I want you to know this will be an incredibly compelling and also controversial episode. This is not for kids; it is for adults to learn and then share with their children. There is some cursing and there is some uncomfortable topics so make sure that you either have ear muffs or the kids aren't around.

Because today we're talking about propaganda in its truest form and how that has infiltrated unconscious marketing. I myself am proud to be a conscious marketer but that is not the case for the marketing industry as a whole.

We're learning today from a podcaster, social media marketer, and entrepreneur. He is unpacking how many programs shape our reality. This interest led him down the path of understanding media manipulation, realizing in 2016 that podcasting was escaping the standard media model.

Our guest has made it his mission to continue to allow podcasts to stay outside the influence of advertising and keep their content sincere. His podcast, Sky King's Mental Playground focuses on the tension between centralized and decentralized systems. Specifically this and propaganda, financial systems and political systems.

I absolutely love the vitality and truth that Sky brings to this podcast.

Why Attention Is The New NFT

You'll learn about the future of business models and gamification how this applies to you as a podcast listener. I'm really excited to learn from you – I want to know, would you like an ad-free experience?

Would you like to have a specific episode that only you can get?

If so, drop me a line. Message me on Instagram at @wellnessforce or @joshtrentofficial. I really do want to know. I'm happy to give you and all of us whatever we're asking for. Yes, this podcast is about my journey but it's really about ours.

We'll talk about the influence of podcasting and the waste that propaganda and advertising create when they're doing it in an unconscious way.

For people who have a curiosity about crypto, blockchain, and web 3.0, Sky is incredibly intelligent when it comes to these aspects. He will educate you on how to take back your power not only with your podcast end the podcast you listen to but how to set up a “noise-free day.”

Propaganda Detox & Achieving Freedom

We'll talk about the negative impact of CV19 propaganda and how we just went through a big theater. That's really what it was  – it was a huge mind control theater.

Also, we will discuss the pivotal global change that cryptocurrency can bring.

We do talk about the CCP and China and Hong Kong. I want you to know that I am pro-freedom. I am not against any movements anymore. I Am pro-Freedom. That is my place and I honor everyone who, across the world even in China, that is going through challenges. So, with reference, I bow my head to the challenges that the Chinese people are facing right now.

With that same reverence, I would love for you to go to the show notes page at joshtrent.com/453. There you can learn more about Sky.

You can also head to our store page and buy some of these organic, conscious products that I stand behind. With us you can start contributing to the greater good by feeding your body organic healthy products and using products that will expand your consciousness and build more internal resilience at the store page.

You can always trust all the products on the store page are from my heart to yours.


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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Trent Family

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