The Power of Perspective – Jonathan Lopez & Earl Granville from Operation Enduring Warrior

Operation Enduring Warrior – Jonathan Lopez & Earl Granville

“Our time and energy are the most precious things we can give to another human.” – Earl Granville

Operation Enduring Warrior is a 100% volunteer-based organization composed of current and former members of the military, family members, and patriotic citizens who wish to give back to our nation’s wounded veterans. Their program helps participants overcome adversity and hardship through innovation, teamwork, and perseverance.

Join us on Wellness + Wisdom 138 as we talk with Jonathan Lopez and Earl Granville, both military veterans and amputees, who are members of Operation Enduring Warrior and have a mission to help our wounded soldiers live life to the fullest.

Links From Today's Show:

Listen To Episode 138 as Jonathan and Earl Uncover:

  • Why 100% of efforts for OEW are volunteer-based
  • How OEW is fostering the lost connection and lack of comradery that affects many of our veterans after the military
  • The emotional healing our soldiers go through after suffering injuries
  • How Jonathan and Earl are motivating our wounded veterans to live an active lifestyle
  • Developing a purpose that's bigger than yourself
  • How giving our time and energy to others can help us create a fulfilling life
  • Finding a sense of community and connection
  • How to mentally navigate the 32-mile Spartan Ultra-Beast course
  • The deeper motivation we receive when helping our fellow brothers and sisters
  • Learning to adapt to life's challenges and meet our goals in different ways
  • How we can tap into the fuel, fire, and motivation to rise out of the darkest moments in life
  • Ways to shift perspective and pull ourselves out of the victim mentality
  • How to recover and move forward in life after suffering a tremendous loss
  • The impact we feel from helping others who have nothing to give in return

Power Quotes from Jonathan and Earl

“We need local communities to come together and support our country's veterans.” – Jonathan Lopez

“I realized that playing the victim wouldn't get me anywhere. I had to get back out there and live my life.” – Earl Granville

“Each step forward is another step closer to the finish line.” – Earl Granville

“Life will never go 100% according to plan. We must be able to adapt and overcome.” – Earl Granville

“Die first, then quit.” – Jonathan Lopez

“This obstacle is more than just a 6-foot wall. It's an obstacle for someone who was laying in a hospital bed being told they would never walk again.” – Jonathan Lopez

“Our time and energy are the most precious things we can give to another human.” – Earl Granville

“Operation Enduring Warrior fosters the comradery many veterans lose after removing their uniform.” – Jonathan Lopez

About Operation Enduring Warrior

Operation Enduring Warrior is a 100% volunteer organization composed of current and former members of the military, family members, and patriotic citizens who wish to give back to our nation’s wounded veterans.

The team members who don the mask are members of the Masked Athlete Team (MAT).  These members have gone through a rigorous selection process known as Warrior INDOC. This in-depth process is composed of several phases of personal, professional and physical analysis, fundraising abilities, and teamwork assessment. The final phase is a 48-hour physical and mental endurance component during which candidates complete a series of challenges under the close supervision of selected team members. Candidates who successfully complete this stage may then be invited to join the ranks of the Team. Completion rate from start to finish is often times less than 20%.

We also rely heavily on our OEW Community Ambassadors (OCAs). These are selfless men and women who have chosen to take up the banner of our cause to honor, empower and motivate wounded veterans.  They accomplish this by fundraising on behalf of the team, arranging social events, and participating in a wide variety of athletic events in our branded gear (gas masks not allowed). Often these athletes will run alongside the MAT at events. The OCA members are invaluable to the success of our mission.

Become an OEW Community Ambassador (OCA)

Operation Enduring Warrior

Our Community Ambassadors (OCAs) are volunteer supporters who wish to assist in raising awareness and donations for OEW through spreading the word, participating in local community events wearing OEW branded gear, and promoting our cause through social media outlets.

The OCA program was established to give everyone across the country the opportunity to personally support our nation’s wounded service members and their families. While only our Masked Athlete Team assist our wounded veterans at athletic events, all of our OCAs can assist in the community!

Whether you are participating in your first event, or are a seasoned athlete, or are acting as a volunteer in one of many ways, your efforts can make a difference in the quality of life for our wounded service members!

Check our Facebook page for updates and events where the OEW Team calls all existing and aspiring Community Ambassadors to join us in our mission to, “Honor, Empower and Motivate” our nation’s wounded service members.

Click here to Join the OCA Community!

Join The Operation Enduring Warrior Team

If you would like to sign up as an OCA, please visit and click on Community Ambassador Registration.

Once you are registered as an OEW Community Ambassador, you are eligible to join our closed Facebook OCA group.

Please email [email protected] for further instructions on how to join.

About Jonathan Lopez

Previous to 2000, Jonathan was a highly-motivated infantry soldier on a successful career trajectory. He had completed Airborne training, the Ranger Indoctrination program and trained abroad with the Belgium Commandos. He deployed with the first infantry division and had just attended Special Forces Assessment and Selection – when the universe decided it had other plans for him.

While he does not have much in the way of actual memory of the accident itself, he was told that he had been hit by a drunk driver while on his motorcycle. He has a vague memory of laying on the pavement, a helicopter, doctors speaking in German desperately working on him and the plane ride leading to his arrival at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington DC. He was told he had suffered multiple injuries, including the loss and subsequent amputation of his left arm. Jonathan was subjected to many surgeries the first couple of months to replace his tibia and femur with titanium rods and multiple bone grafts. The loss of his arm was overshadowed by the overwhelming concern of never being able to walk again.

Jonathan Lopez was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army in 2001 following the amputation of his left arm. But having one arm hasn't stopped Lopez from competing in Spartan races and even climbing a 30-foot rope.

With the help of Operation Enduring Warrior, a veterans charity that helps “facilitate the physical, mental and emotional rehabilitation of our nation's wounded service,” Lopez has been able to participate in Spartan races, even in spite of his disability.

About Earl Granville

A nine-year veteran of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard as an infantryman, Granville served in support of Operation Joint Forge in Bosnia, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.

In the summer of 2008, while on patrol in Zormat, Afghanistan, his vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb, resulting in the amputation of his left leg through his knee. His comrades, Specialist Derek Holland, of Wind Gap, Pennsylvania, and Major Scott Haggerty, of Stillwater, Oklahoma, were killed in action.

In December 2010, Granville suffered the loss of his twin brother, Staff Sergeant Joseph Granville, who took his own life. Today, Granville speaks publicly about the importance of finding professional help when coping with mental distress, particularly for members of the military who have served in combat.

In addition to speaking engagements, Granville competes in adaptive sports, including monoski, sled hockey and in GoRuck Endurance Challenges and Spartan Races. He has competed in numerous marathons across the county on a hand bicycle, including the Marine Corps Marathon and races in Boston, Detroit, Chicago and New York. He ran two half marathons alongside Operation Enduring Warrior is a finisher of the 2016 Bataan Death Memorial March; and completed the Spartan Agoge, a 60-hour endurance event.

He is a team member of Operation Enduring Warrior, a non-profit organization managed by veterans, and he is the lead ambassador of Oscar Mike, an American-made apparel company founded by veterans.

Powerful Beyond Measure


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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