Jason Prall: The Human Longevity Project

Jason Prall_ The Human Longevity Project WELLNESS FORCE RADIO EPISODE 192

Jason Prall: The Human Longevity Project

“When it comes to health, it's more collective than individual. You become a product of your environment and it's very easy to be healthy in these Blue Zone areas because that's the way of their life. We have to look at the situation of these healthier places and understand that their culture and societal norms facilitate health. That's easier to do when it's a small society because in a village, everyone has a responsibility and everyone is relying on each other so it's more like a family unit. It's more difficult to be healthy in the USA because you have to do all of the work on your own. We've gone astray as a culture because we've lost our sense of community and societal values due to technology.” – Jason Prall

What do other cultures have that the USA doesn't as far as increased human health, love, interaction, and longevity?

In Wellness + Wisdom episode 192, Longevity and Optimal Health Practitioner, nationally recognized speaker, host of the You, Optimized. Radio podcast as well as Director, Writer, and Producer of the 9-hour documentary series, The Human Longevity Project, Jason Prall, shares what he's learned from observing five different Blue Zone cultures when it comes to both physical and emotional intelligence, happiness, and wellness.

Discover what steps you can take to align the human brain with the soul to avoid chronic illness, increase your lifespan, and slow down the aging process. 

[click_to_tweet tweet='We cannot be healthy unless our outer environment is healthy. Everything that we do to the environment, we are doing to ourselves. It is a mirror and we can't escape it.' – @JasonPrall” quote='We cannot be healthy unless our outer environment is healthy. Everything that we do to the environment, we are doing to ourselves. It is a mirror and we can't escape it.' – @JasonPrall”]


Click here to GET *FREE ACCESS The Human Longevity Project 9-hour documentary film series.

The Human Longevity ProjectThe Human Longevity Project is an upcoming documentary film series that will take you on an exciting journey around the globe, on a mission to discover the secrets of the longest-lived and healthiest populations on Earth.

Filmed over 2 years, in over 50 locations, in 9 countries, on 3 continents, this film will uncover the key lifestyle, environmental, and physiological components to avoid chronic disease, increase health span, and put the brakes on aging in our modern world.

Featuring interviews from premier scientists, physicians, healers, and health experts – along with real-world footage from around the globe, we examined the daily routines and lifestyle practices that range from preconception to geriatrics, with much more observational and scientific scrutiny than ever before. We will scientifically demonstrate the recipe for a long, healthy life – and how to apply these lessons in our modern environment.

At a time when populations of industrialized societies are seeing collective health, quality of life, and the health of the environment decline rapidly, the scientific information and lifestyle practices highlighted in this documentary are absolutely essential to reversing these recent trends and shifting the entire paradigm of chronic disease and destruction of the environment.

In the last 70 years, the modern world has taken a turn for the worse. Our food, water, air, and soil have been decimated by toxic chemicals and metals. Our atmosphere is blanketed in electromagnetic radiation. Chronic mental and emotional stress has become the norm – and our society is fixated on the technological connection while authentic community dissolves. (*limited time)

Listen To Episode 192 As Jason Prall Uncovers:

  • How creating the film, The Human Longevity Project, helped him both grow emotionally and increase his awareness.
  • What similarities and differences they noticed between these various Blues Zones cultures that attributed to longevity in Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Ikara, Greece; Loma Linda, California; and Nicoya, Costa Rica.
  • How you can train the human brain to be aligned with the soul.
  • Why it's not worth it to spend your time stressed and worried about the future when you don't even know what will happen to you. 
  • What you should be truly focusing on as an adult in order to really enjoy life.
  • Why your first 25 years of life are the foundation of your health and wellness.
  • What challenges and struggles other people have faced around the world from experiencing war first hand to poverty.
  • The cultural differences he experienced in these Blue Zones compared to what society is like in the USA.
  • What similarities and differences they noticed between these various Blue Zone cultures that attributed to their longevity.
  • How our culture around food in the USA  has changed and affected our lives. 
  • Why our lifestyle as a society in the USA isn't sustainable.
  • The factors that play in the decline of human health, love, interaction, and longevity. 
  • The shift in younger generations and how it's creating societal problems.
  • The importance of bringing functional movement into our every day lives to step away from the Internet and get back to the real world.
  • What he's learned from 5 different cultures about living a long life full of health, love, and interaction.
  • Why understanding what mitochondria and microbiota are: What guides their function plus why they are key to your health and longevity.
  • What is known and not known about genetic expression and how that affects your metabolism when you eat certain foods.
  • Why happiness is your decision and you can take steps to get to the state where you want to go.
  • The next steps for him and his team as far as creating a community for people.
  • What you will learn and take away from the documentary, The Human Longevity Project.

Power Quotes From The Show

[click_to_tweet tweet='People are going on these digital detox retreats to try to get back to a normal state of mind. We've gone so far off track that we've forgotten what it's like to connect and technology has propelled us in that direction.' – @JasonPrall ” quote='People are going on these digital detox retreats to try to get back to a normal state of mind. We've gone so far off track that we've forgotten what it's like to connect and technology has propelled us in that direction.' – @JasonPrall “]

“We fear a future that hasn't even happened yet and we don't know what the outcome is going to be like. Literally, what you do, think, and feel today is what's going to create that fear. So, the longer you sit with that fear, there's a higher chance that those emotions are going to manifest within you and you'll become them. Just reflecting and becoming aware of your emotions will allow you to let go of your fears and let you see how silly they are really are.” – Jason Prall

“We've created a culture where we're constantly criticizing, comparing, and judging one another. When we look at Facebook and Instagram, who feels confident anymore? Not many people because we're constantly being compared to everybody else and criticized through social media and the Internet. I think we've lost a lot of confidence in who we are and we don't know how to find out who we are because we've lost meaning in our society and culture. We're looking for meaning in the wrong places.” – Jason Prall

“At the end of the day, these regions and Blue Zones don't matter. Regions don't create longevity; it's what people are doing that builds a healthy lifestyle and we have to learn these same qualities. These places that are known for their longevity aren't going to be known for that 20 years from now. They're going downhill fast and there's a reason that has nothing to do with where they live; there's nothing special about it other than the humans that live there and the decisions they make to live their life.” – Jason Prall

“Health is innate and it's built within you. Your body is meant to be healthy and we have to start to facilitate that function. We have to allow that to occur and get out of the way a little bit. We have to get out of this mindset that health is all about results and we can only be happy when we reach a goal. If we are constantly focused on the end product and the results in order to feel fulfilled and happy, we're going to run into trouble. First, you have to accept that you decide your happiness; not anybody else. It's literally your decision and if you're not happy right now, that's your choice. ” – Jason Prall

“Being healthy is very simple, but we make it complex. The process can be difficult to get there, but the answers are easy. We just have to let our guard down and get out of our own way so we're not making being healthily complicated for ourselves. There aren't any shortcuts to getting healthy either. Every time we take a shortcut, we're missing an opportunity. A quick fix sounds amazing, but most people end up broken again and they still end up being unhappy. ” – Jason Prall

human longevity project

Links From Today's Show

About Jason Prall

Jason PrallJason Prall is a Longevity and Optimal Health Practitioner who works remotely with individuals around the world to provide solutions for those struggling with weight loss or suffering from complex health issues that their doctors have been unable to resolve.

As a nationally-recognized speaker and host of the You, Optimized. Radio show, he’s been able to share his unique and innovative approach with a global audience, which has facilitated the transformation of thousands of lives with simple, practical, and powerful solutions to combat chronic health conditions and drastically improve quality of life.


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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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