How To Improve Your Mental Health This Summer

How To Improve Your Mental Health This SummerThe goal to improve your mental health in the summer is just as important as any other time of the year. According to a recent study, 40% of adults notice a decline in their mental health during the winter months. However, for many, this is not something that goes away as the year progresses, despite the welcome changes in weather and routine that are often associated with the summer months.

After all, there’s no saying when feelings of anxiety, stress or depression can take root. That is, they do not follow the seasons, and our mental health can vary widely from day to day. However, if you’ve noticed that you aren’t feeling quite yourself this summer, there are various steps you can take to improve your mental health this summer.

5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

Spend more time outdoors

Believe it or not, spending more time outdoors can help to boost your well-being quite considerably. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, it tends to mean that you’re working to remain as active as possible, which is associated with an increase of feel-good hormones such as serotonin and a reduction in the stress hormone cortisol.

In addition to this, both fresh air and sunlight are scientifically proven mood boosters. As a result, you may notice that by spending as little as thirty minutes on an easy day outside, you notice a marked improvement in your mental health and overall well-being. Even if it's raining lightly, going outside is an efficient way to improve your mental health this summer.

Find someone to talk to

Many of those who are experiencing anxiety, depression or other debilitating emotions will attempt to bury those feelings or keep them to themselves. There are many reasons behind this, from simply wanting to pretend that things are okay to feeling the sting of mental health stigma. However, regardless of your reasons for keeping quiet before, it's important that you find someone to talk to.

After all, dealing with mental health issues of any kind can be incredibly isolating, but the moment you open up is the moment you realise that you are not alone. Whether you’re speaking to a friend or family member, it becomes instantly clear that, even if they do not have a solution, you arne’t alone in facing this issue any more, and there’s always somebody who will listen should you need space to vent.

If you still do not feel ready to speak to your friends and family, then you may want to look into counselling. Not only will talking to a professional about how you are feeling make you feel both less alone and as though your feelings are valid, but they’ll also be able to provide you with practical tips and guidance you can use to better your mental health moving forward.

For example, they may be able to help you get to the root of your feelings and emotions so that you can address the core issues underneath them, allowing you to leave this negativity behind.

Accept what you can control

While there are certain steps we can follow to better our mental health, it's also important that we acknowledge when things lie outside of our control. For example, while it can be a harsh reality to accept, you cannot control how others perceive you. However, you can control how you perceive yourself by working to live more authentically and shake off the idea that you have to please everyone!

Do things for yourself

Another way in which you can improve your mental health this summer (and beyond) is by refusing to put your needs on the back burner. Whether this means turning down plans when you don’t feel up to socialising or spending more time on self-care, you’ll soon find that the more you get into the habit of doing things for yourself, the better you’ll feel overall. This is because it means that you are addressing each and every one of your needs, as opposed to catering to others before yourself.

While it can be difficult to get into the habit of putting yourself first, it's important that you do not view this as a selfish act but rather a necessary one! Take even a weekend trip somewhere nearby new to improve your mental health this summer.

Take a break from work

Even if you do not have a vacation or getaway planned, taking a break from work is also key to bettering your mental health (at any time of year). After all, this can give you some time (and energy) to focus on yourself, as opposed to looming deadlines or workplace stressors. It can also help you to tackle issues that impact your overall wellness, such as poor sleeping habits or patterns. As such, now is the perfect time to take a break, or at the very least, stop working overtime!

What else will you do to improve your mental health this summer?


About Lauren

Lauren is the Content & Community Manager for Wellness Force Media. According to Lauren, wellness is about finding gratitude and joy in doing any type of physical or self-care activity that we love. Wellness means providing ourselves with self-love, good nutrition, and the inner peace that our individual minds and bodies need.

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