Garrett Gunderson | Escape The Scarcity Mindset Trap: How To Train Your Mind For Wealth + Financial Success

Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 713

What if everything you’ve been taught about money is actually keeping you broke?

Garrett Gunderson | Escape The Scarcity Mindset Trap: How To Train Your Mind For Wealth + Financial Success Garrett Gunderson, Multimillion Entrepreneur, joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, episode 713, to challenge the myths around budgeting, hustle culture, and “safe jobs.” In this eye-opening conversation, Garrett unpacks why money follows value, how technology can create better opportunities, and why genuine wealth starts with loving yourself—proving once and for all that the greatest investment you can make is in yourself and your own healing.

“Scarcity is the greatest destroyer of wealth. It comes from a place of limitation and lack, and it gets perpetuated because people are taught to budget and budgeting is reductionist thinking and a finite game.” – Garrett Gunderson

Join The Multiplier Community

Multiplier CommunityThe Multiplier Community is an invite-only community for producers that supports you in living your richest life.

Created by Garrett Gunderson, it is part of his mission to help entrepreneurs achieve financial independence by focusing on cash flow, clarity, and aligning financial strategies with personal values.

Gunderson's methods prioritize aligning investments and business decisions with one's unique strengths and values, fostering sustainable financial freedom.

His overall philosophy includes integrating mental, physical, and social well-being with financial strategies to create a comprehensive sense of prosperity.

It is an invite-only community with standards of commitment and value creation.

In This Episode, Garrett Gunderson Uncovers:

[01:10] How to Create Wealth

[07:25] Continue to Work on Yourself

  • Why focusing on our health gives us greater value as a creator.
  • How the gap between growing ourselves and growing money is the risk.
  • Why we should create a life we don't want to retire from.
  • Why value is a feeling.

[11:25] The Money Mindset

  • We need to value ourselves if we want to be more valuable.
  • How our conditionings limit our capacity for wealth.
  • Why wealth gets trapped in receiving.
  • How doing things on our own creates scarcity.

[14:40] How Can Money Be Love?

  • Why money problems are mental problems.
  • How lower-level emotions keep us trapped.
  • Why relationships and ideas are what creates money.
  • How childhood wounds keep us stuck in victimhood.

[18:35] You Don't Need to Sacrifice Anything to Get Wealthy

  • Why the sacrifice mindset is rooted in culture and it's a false belief system.
  • How the language of poverty keeps us poor.
  • Why our dreams don't require sacrifice.
  • The importance of building a life where we continue to grow.

[22:35] The 4 Types of Expenses

  • Why we need to redefine the meaning of the word “expense.”
  • How our quality of life is a part of our investment.
  • The four types of expenses.
  • Why budgeting is not the answer to getting rich.

[26:10] Is Technology Going to Steal Your Job?

  • Why people believed the printing press would take everyone's job.
  • What makes people think they can't have a better job.
  • Why technology gives us more space to do more interesting work.

[29:00] The Frequency of Pride

  • Why people get stuck in the frequency of pride.
  • No amount of effort can compensate for bad philosophy.
  • When we don't like the work we do, it will create a hateful relationship with ourselves.
  • Why having a “safe job” doesn't provide true safety.
  • How we can move from force to flow.
  • Why our vision determines our value.
  • How Garrett's entrepreneurship changed his family.

[37:15] Don't Be Driven By Greed

  • How Garrett started creating business when he was very young.
  • Why everyone has their own investor DNA.
  • How he was driven by greed and naivety.
  • Why he didn't love what was doing when he started making money.
  • How the lack of vision made Garrett make bad business decisions.

[46:25] The Value Index

  • Why shortcuts often end up being a detour.
  • How reaching our financial goals won't bring us more peace.
  • Why we need to stop thinking about ourselves and start thinking about what we can do for others.
  • The definition of wealth.
  • Why we should celebrate the wins and not focus on the losses.
  • Click (2006)

[53:05] Take Care of Your Mental Capital

  • Multiplier Program
  • Why seeing each other as one is the key ingredient.
  • How the means don't justify the end.
  • Why compliments come from abundance.
  • What wounds make other people bring us down or criticize us.

[58:30] Free Will VS Free Market

  • Why people vilify rich people.
  • How taking responsibility is the key to wealth.
  • What prevents us from having a free market.
  • Why purpose comes from free will.
  • Where Josh's money wound came from.

[01:03:40] Heal Your Old Wounds

  • When we label someone, we're trying to validate the label we put on them.
  • How MDMA somatic sessions have been helping Garrett release trapped emotions.
  • Why his childhood trauma impacted his beliefs about himself.

[01:08:15] What Does It Take to Start Healing?

[01:15:40] How to Make More Money + Keep Them

  • The 3 layers of our money story.
  • How to start investing money.
  • Why most entrepreneurs overpay on taxes.
  • How to restructure our mortgage and credit.
  • Why risk is in the investor and not the investment.

[01:25:35] Indoctrinations Keep You Poor

  • Why we need to keep the money flowing.
  • Dave Ramsey
  • How paying off a mortgage might make us lose money.
  • Why we can't let society define the meaning of wealth.
  • How Garrett started educating people about the truth.
  • Why financial freedom is a state of being.

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Power Quotes From The Show

Do You Have a Money Problem?

“It doesn't take money to make money, it takes relationships and ideas. It takes value and exchange. So if you think you have a money problem, it's not really a money problem. It's a mental capital problem, which means ideas, knowledge, wisdom, insights, strategies, and tools.”Garrett Gunderson

Value Creation

“Money is a byproduct of value creation. Value creation means that we've served someone, we've solved the problem, we've added value in their life. Vision is what determines value. And if we have a limited vision, we're going to limit our value.”Garrett Gunderson

Take Responsibility for Your Actions

“Responsibility is the key reason why people don't have wealth. You have to be responsible for your actions and reactions. You have to be responsible your next thing that you do, and even for your mindset. And if you don't take responsibility, you can't have prosperity because one doesn't exist without the other.”Garrett Gunderson

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About Garrett Gunderson

Garrett Gunderson | Escape The Scarcity Mindset Trap: How To Train Your Mind For Wealth + Financial SuccessGarrett Gunderson is the author of ten books, including multiple Wall Street Journal bestsellers, with Killing Sacred Cows hitting number 1 and making the New York Times Best Sellers list.

This book, originally titled “What Would the Rockefellers Do?” has been consistently among the top 5 titles in Amazon’s Wealth Management category since its publication.

Garrett is a speaker who uses entertainment to educate and is also a stand-up comedian. His comedy special, the American Ream, produced by Emmy-winner Marty Callner, breaks down all the myths about money through an original stand-up show he performs for corporate events.

Garrett enjoys time at his cabin, especially one-on-one through “Cash Cabin” immersions with clients where he builds their Family Office, and Family Constitution, and teaches them how to create their richest life.

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The Greatest Investment I Ever Made | Garrett Gunderson


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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