Evolve Your Consciousness: The True Healing Work To BE An Adult, Learn How To Love + Live A Thriving Life | Margo Running

Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 668

What does it take to evolve your consciousness?

Evolve Your Consciousness: The True Healing Work To BE An Adult, Learn How To Love + Live A Thriving Life | Margo RunningSpiritual Healer, Margo Running, joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, episode 668, to share why it's so important to be in silence and in the present moment, how to learn to trust your fear, what blocks your awareness, and how we can create a connection with others by creating safety.

“There are many layers of the human experience and it needs to be felt. That's the healing modality. It needs to be felt. But it needs safety in order to be felt because safety wasn't there before.” – Margo Running

In This Episode, Margo Running Uncovers:

[01:30] Hawaii's Healing Spirit

[08:35] How to Age Gracefully

  • What brought Margo to Hawaii.
  • Why she's not trying to fix herself.
  • What allows her to age gracefully.
  • Why most of us have closed our hearts.

[13:15] Learning from Elders

  • Why we're not giving enough space to elders to teach us.
  • How Margo attracts clients without any marketing.
  • What she learned from her parents and elder figures.
  • Why Margo's mother advised her to get into politics to make a real change.
  • We need to be in our body in order to achieve things in life.

[20:40] Be In The Pause

  • How pausing and taking a break makes a difference.
  • Why it's important to spend time in nature.
  • We are human beings, not human doings.
  • How indigenous people understand the land.
  • Why we need to learn to be with nature and not just observe it.

[26:55] Wisdom Is Consciousness

  • How to build the capacity to switch between getting things done and softening.
  • Why being conscious of our emotions is not an easy task.
  • What role community plays in the switching capacity.
  • The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate
  • Why pain needs to be felt in safety in order for us to heal.

[33:15] Be Grateful for Your Protective Mechanism

  • How we react from our wounds.
  • Why grief, shame, guilt, and sadness block us from vulnerability.
  • Healing lies in showing gratitude to the protective mechanism instead of shaming them.
  • When the Body Says No by Gabor Mate
  • Why softening our hearts opens up a space for healing.

[40:40] Learn to Trust Your Fear

  • Finding Joe (2011)
  • How can we learn to trust our fear.
  • The importance of having a sacred inner space.
  • Why the wars we fight within ourselves need a peaceful space for us to retreat.

[46:00] Finding Inner Harmony

  • What helps couples stay committed to the relationship and accountable for their behavior.
  • How we can find inner harmony and do what we love.
  • Why trauma is often formed when there is a lack of connection.

[50:05] Can You Trust Your Gut?

  • How to become the observer.
  • Why we shouldn't trust our guts if there is a gut-brain axis dysbiosis.
  • How pausing allows us to respond instead of react.
  • Why creating curiosity and safety helps us express ourselves.

[54:50] No Mud, No Lotus

  • Thich Nhat Hanh
  • Without the mud, the lotus will not blossom.
  • People are starting to awaken to the ultimate truth.
  • How do we focus on our gifts and purpose in the world.
  • Why we need to create more human interactions.

[01:01:30] Shifting Your Perspective

  • The moment Margo realized she was getting older.
  • Why her mother started going inward more before passing.
  • We know about the pain of the whole world through media.
  • A perspective shift is what we need to be humble.

[01:07:25] The Dangers of Pseudo-Connection

  • Who was there when you were growing up who truly saw you?
  • How to make other people feel seen and heard.
  • Why people are being trained to not connect with others.
  • How we can create connection by creating safety.

[01:12:35] Higher Awareness

  • What is blocking people's awareness.
  • How our higher mind helps us navigate conflicts.
  • The importance of using non-violent communication in important conversations.

[01:17:25] The Power of Silence

  • Why silence heals.
  • Breath is a seed of consciousness.
  • How intentional breathing creates calmness.

[01:20:25] Artificial Intelligence Is Plagiarism

  • How Josh learned to be present and be a support to his clients as a personal trainer.
  • Why archetypes are different parts of us.
  • Why Margo thinks AI should be called AP; artificial plagiarism.
  • 312 Kevin Kelly: What Technology Can Teach Us About Self Love
  • How God is raising us just like parents are raising children.

[01:25:45] Life Is Tantra

  • Everything happens around reciprocity.
  • Why somatic work allows us to explore the dark parts of ourselves.
  • Depression feels like it has no end.
  • There is something that gives us the courage to stay in the depression.
  • Why Josh believes trust is earned.
  • Why grandparents and grandchildren have a special bond.

[01:34:35] The Essence of Wellness

  • Why we should follow the yes.
  • Acknowledging the racing mind and allowing ourselves to sit with it in silence.
  • How Margo defines wellness.
  • Why we're not in harmony when we're exhausted.
  • Children live in the moment and they show us how to be in the moment with them.

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Power Quotes From The Show

Lack of Connection Creates Chaos

“We've got a bunch of kindergartners running around within us. There's chaos because they're not feeling connected. The most important thing for any child is connection. A lot of the trauma comes in when the child does something, he's sent to his room, and now he's feeling disconnected. So he feels shamed and blamed and all that stuff starts coming in. ‘Come out when you stop crying.' Rather than ‘I'm here for you, give me your tears, I can handle it.' So we do the same within us.” – Margo Running

Switch From Doing to Being

“People don't know how to switch from the doing to the relaxed mode of being. It takes consciousness. So when somebody goes, okay, I want to be conscious of doing that, and they emote. It's really painful and vulnerable to realize I just wounded or passed on my trauma to my children. It's painful but I love feeling that pain and suffering of becoming initially conscious. That pain isn't new. It's ancestral old. And you're choosing, I'm going to feel that pain that you so well know. It hurts so bad, I have to say, thus far, no farther.” – Margo Running

The Power of Silence

“Silence is most needed right now. And seeing what comes up in that silence. If we're doing, doing, doing, we're saying we don't have time. There's always a pause between each breath. Breath in, hold it for a second. Breath out, hold it for a second. Breath is like a seed of consciousness.” – Margo Running

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About Margo Running

Relationship Death + Rebirth: How to Let Love Lead Again + Let Go of The Anxious-Avoidant Dance (Margo Running + Carrie Michelle)San Francisco born, Euro descent, walking lightly on the land currently on Maui, the home of voyagers, the Kanaka Maoli
Margo has lived many incarnations in this life, many careers fully expressed, from cooking for 350 people daily, as a massage therapist, and kindergarten teacher; all for decades each period.

Every experience is for learning. She strives to craft unconscious reactions that divide into responses that connect, as she believes most suffering is from long-held suffering of disconnection.

Her work as a teacher has grown into support for parents so children can grow and thrive in a supportive community. No website! Families are welcome to contact her, though the ocean is where she‘ll be most of the time.

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Relationship Death + Rebirth: How To Bring Back Love In Your Relationship

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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