Dr. Greg Doerr: Connecting The Mind & Soul Through Movement


Dr. Greg Doerr: Connecting The Mind & Soul Through Movement

“Functional Soft Tissue is a concept to help evaluate, treat, and stabilize soft tissue injuries through several different pathways: provocation, motion, resistance, functional positions or activities and proprioception. All of these pathways are neurological bombardments of the central nervous system which lead to the ultimate Control-Alt-Delete and reset of all of those tissues to allow for proper neurological function.” – Dr. Greg Doerr

Even with continuous use and the latest developments, taping still continues to get a bad rap about not being an effective form of healing the body's muscle tissues.

However, there is, in fact, many beneficial uses of taping to help you move better and heal faster. 

In Wellness + Wisdom 168, chiropractic, lecturer, owner of Bergen Chiropractic and Sports Rehabilitation Center, and developer of Functional Soft Tissue, FTMI and FAKTRDr. Greg Doerr uncovers the truth behind how taping helps as long as you follow the “if this, then that” methodology that was taught to him by Dr. Tim Brown.

Tune in and learn the many benefits of taping for the human body including:

Discover The Functional Soft Tissue Method

Functional Soft TissueFunctional Soft Tissue

is a resource to train clinicians to evaluate and treat motion. We offer an extensive video library with two HD video collections – Soft Tissue and Taping.

Functional Soft Tissue featuring Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehab (FAKTR) with Gregory H. Doerr, DC, CCSP is a 14.5-hour hands-on seminar including an introduction to movement and kinetic chain evaluation in the treatment of soft tissue dysfunction, the use of FAKTR Concepts, and Rehabilitation for soft tissue remodeling.

Functional Taping for Musculoskeletal Injuries (FTMI) with Gregory H. Doerr, DC, CCSP is a 12-hour hands-on course designed to demonstrate several different taping techniques to be used on a number of musculoskeletal injuries of the spine, upper extremity, and lower extremity. Dr. Doerr has been certified in kinesiotaping, spider tech, SPRT, and has developed many of his own signature taping styles. He has over 16 years of clinical taping experience.


Listen To Episode 168 As Dr. Greg Doerr Uncovers:

  • His decision to become a chiropractor and continue the family tradition.
  • How his experience with sports medicine has helped him to become a better chiropractor.
  • Why someone would tape in the first place and the importance of knowing what you're doing with taping.
  • How kinesiology tape helps your body align by helping improve your movement and range of motion.
  • Approaching Functional Soft Tissue and how tape plays a role with it.
  • What he learned from his father about the art of healing and the emotional component to recovering from a physical injury.
  • The difference between allopathic medicine and its approach to helping patients compared to other types of medicine like a holistic approach.
  • How you can connect the soul to movement in order to heal.
  • Why science is unclear about what kinesiology tape is and how it helps because of the lack of research available.
  • How to use the “If then, then that” methodology to properly use taping for healing.
  • The three application methodology for applying tape: neurological, postural structure, or anti-inflammatory focus.
  • Tactile taping application and how it can help improve the postural structure and position.
  • The main benefits of taping for the human body: postural correction, instabilities, and neuro resetting.
  • Why good posture is vital for every single body part and good health.
  • How long kinesiology tape lasts for and what to do if you plan on going for a trip.
  • What to do if you notice any skin irritation from taping.
  • How long it takes to teach someone proper movement and posture plus how to decide if taping is right for them.
  • The starting steps to go down the road of healing your body.

Power Quotes From The Show

“A lot of people are taping, but actually don't even know what they're doing. First of all, you need to know whether or not taping is right for the situation by following different algorithms. The initial step is deciding whether or not you have an area that's dysfunctional.” – Dr. Greg Doerr

“I'm the hugest placebo on the planet. I'm upbeat, happy, and smiley. I have this constant high energy that would actually put a patient in a positive, emotional state. When someone can transpire that type of excitement, happiness, and energy to a patient, that patient will want to get better.” – Dr. Greg Doerr

“Since taping is a neurological stimulation, there's no such thing as sham taping. Whether you put the tape from top to bottom, across, or on a diagonal, you're still going to touch the same exact skin receptors. So, the significant change between somebody who's sham taped for somebody who's taped, it's not going to be large enough to make taping look like a relevant form of treatment. That's why we need better research on taping.” – Dr. Greg Doerr

“All of our injuries start with poor mechanical posture. When we talk about proper posture, everyone immediately thinks about the spine. However, every single body part needs good posture: the shoulder, the hip, the knee, foot, and ankle. All of these have their own neutral posture position and we can assist them with taping techniques.” – Dr. Greg Doerr

“We cannot eliminate stress from our lives, but we can have proper outlets for it. Television is not a proper outlet, but exercise and music are proper outlets. Ask yourself if you're finding ways to actually relieve your stress so that you can create some kind of balance within your own brain. That is our greatest challenge; trying to find some type of homeostasis within our mental well-being.” – Dr. Greg Doerr

Links From Today's Show:

About FAKTR of Functional Soft Tissue

About Dr. Greg Doerr

Dr. Greg DoerrDr. Gregory H. Doerr

is a graduate of the New York Chiropractic College, in Seneca Falls, NY. He completed a certification in Chiropractic Sports Medicine in 1998 (CCSP).

Dr. Doerr lectures internationally for FAKTR and Functional Taping for Musculoskeletal Injuries and is a former lecturer for Graston Technique and The Council on Chiropractic and Extremity Procedures (CCEP). He has lectured at the US Olympic Training Center, Anglo-European Chiropractic College, English Institute of Sport, Feevale University in Brazil, University of Pittsburgh, Penn State, University of Colorado and at the Central American Sports Medicine Congress.

Dr. Doerr has had the pleasure of working with athletes from the AVP Volleyball Tour, The Gold Cup, Central American Games, Washington Redskins, Penn State and the University of Colorado.

He currently is the doctor for a semi-pro football team, club soccer team, and club volleyball team. Dr. Doerr has a growing reputation with marathon runners treating athletes from running clubs in NJ and Manhattan. He has served on the medical staff of two 19K foot climbs including Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa and El Misti in Peru.

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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