David Sandoval: The Hidden Epidemic of Glyphosate & Obesity

“Glyphosate has been around initially, believe it or not, since 1980. At that time, things like autism, Alzheimer's, and obesity were really low on the radar but year by year, they have increased as we continued to use this chemical. How could one chemical cause such a diversity of diseases? It is because it destroys our immune system, digestive system, and even our mood. Glyphosate is literally a depressant as it destroys our ability to produce hormones that control our emotions.” – Dave Sandoval

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 351

Best-selling Author of The Green Foods Bible as well as Co-Founder and CEO of Purium, Dave Sandoval, explains the connection between obesity and glyphosate, how to remove glyphosate from your diet, how he and his team are positively changing the lives of farmers that have been devastated by Monsanto, and how you can join the new social sharing economy with Wellness Force and Purium.

How much do you actually know about glyphosate?

Heal your gut with Biome Medic, organic superfoods, and drop 7-10 quarantine pounds with the Wellness Reset Cleanse starting July 7th, 2020.

Get $100 off your organic cleanse kit HERE: https://wellnessforce.com/TEAM 

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘How could one chemical cause such a diversity of diseases? It is because glyphosate destroys our immune system, digestive system, and even our mood. It is literally a depressant.' – Dave Sandoval” quote=”‘How could one chemical cause such a diversity of diseases? It is because glyphosate destroys our immune system, digestive system, and even our mood. It is literally a depressant.' – Dave Sandoval”]

Join Team Wellness Force & Purium

Heal your gut with Biome Medic, organic superfoods, and drop 7-10 quarantine pounds
with the Wellness Reset Cleanse starting July 7th, 2020.

Get $100 off your organic cleanse kit HERE: https://wellnessforce.com/TEAM

Give your body the superior gut health is deserves, with this core Purium product. An exclusive and proprietary formula filled with all-natural ingredients was awarded a Gold Seal by the Detox Project as a glyphosate detox solution. Biome Medic can help flush harmful toxins, support “good” bacteria and protect your microbiome from GMO damage. Check out the research and video below!


Listen To Episode 351 As David Sandoval Uncovers:

[1:30] Greater Financial And Physical Health With Integrity

[18:00] The Hidden Epidemic Of Glyphosate & Obesity

  • Unpacking the history of glyphosate and its negative impact on our gut health, lifelong disease, and obesity levels.
  • The impact of glyphosate not only on our health but on the mental health of farmers who have been bankrupted by Monsanto.
  • The Seeds Of Suicide: How Monsanto Destroys Farming
  • The sad truth that once glyphosate is sprayed on food, it cannot ever be removed; not even when it's been washed or cooked.
  • Breaking down how the gut microbiome works as the defensive layer for our digestive system.
  • What health issues glyphosate can lead to including leaky gut syndrome that destroys the gut microbiome's ability to keep bad things out and digest the vital nutrients such as minerals and vitamins.
  • The scary fact that some companies hide (and have the right to hide from policymakers) that glyphosate has been used on their products.

[25:40] Where To Go For Organic Foods

  • Unpacking the fact that about 0.5% of companies who claim to be organic are not and how Purium catches them with their 20 testing methods.
  • What you should look for in your organic and food brands to make sure that you can actually trust them.
  • Why deregulation is a double edge sword and how it impacts the food you're eating that isn't organic.
  • The money Purium pays to be certified organic and how that payment is then used to watch their process and ensure they're organic.
  • How often health inspectors actually visit organic businesses and why Dave believes it's not often enough now compared to in the past.
  • Purium's Biome Medic product which removes glyphosate through extraction and naturally excretes them out.
  • How Purium helps people get back the good bacteria after removing the bad bacteria, toxins, and glyphosate.

[32:30]  Paying For Our Health Now With Nutrients & Getting Glyphosate Out

  • How Purium took the step forward to become certified Anti-GMO compared to just being Non-GMO.
  • Why our bodies are like a rental unit that we take care of by “paying rent” with daily nutrients and minerals.
  • His experience studying health and medicine around the world from Chinese Medicine to Ayurveda to the Amazon to the Shamans of North America.
  • How Dave has taken the best parts of all of the 12 ancient studies of health he has learned and then made something of his own to share with the world.
  • The power of just staring our health journeys with where we are and what we have rather than playing the victim.
  • What “namaste” means and how he lives by it each day in a form of respect and love for himself and others.

[40:00] The New Social Sharing Economy

  • Josh's previous experience working with LifeVantage and why his working relationship with them just didn't click as it did with Purium and their mission.
  • Breaking down the new social sharing economy and Purium's mission to help people live their healthiest lives.
  • How people with social media platforms can be making money with the social sharing economy.
  • Why the social sharing economy was once referred to as network marketing and why it's actually something that we've been doing our entire lives.
  • How Purium has embraced the ways of the social sharing economy to grow their brand and help people and the environment.
  • How Josh was introduced to Purium by his friends, Ronnie and Troy; was hesitant but immediately loved their products.
  • The business model that Purium has developed to help people basically become a personal health trainer in food and help others care for their internal hygiene.
  • Why just 100 years ago, all of our food was pure before we introduced pesticides, herbicides, glyphosate, and GMOs.

[50:00] How Purium Is Helping Farmers & The Environment Thrive

  • Unpacking Purium's relationship with farmers, how they support them, and how they're helping the planet heal together.
  • How he helped 200 farmers in Thailand continue working for a Fair Trade cooperative with Purium by growing organic rice for them just before they were about to go under because of Monsanto.
  • What regenerative agriculture is and its positive impact on the land.
  • Why Purium's mission goes beyond just food as it helps people balance their energies as well.
  • How Purium is giving the opportunity for its members to make their own income by selling products while at home and also balancing their families.
  • The level playing field Purium has created for all of its members to generate an income no matter their background.
  • Why he doesn't pay himself as most CEOs do at other companies.

[1:04:00] Taking Care Of The World Inside Ourselves & Pushing Out Glyphosate

Power Quotes From The Show

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘Your body is like a rental unit and every single day, you need to pay the bills in the form of nutrients. If those bills don't get paid, then those services get shut down.' – Dave Sandoval” quote=”‘Your body is like a rental unit and every single day, you need to pay the bills in the form of nutrients. If those bills don't get paid, then those services get shut down.' – Dave Sandoval”]

Why Your Body Is Like A Rental Unit

“Your body is like a rental unit. You have to pay the rent, the electricity, and the water bill. So, every single day, your body actually has a daily need for different bills to be paid with nutrients and minerals. If those bills don't get paid, then those services get shut down. Most people have never paid their bills every day and they have no idea of what real health looks like until we show them and it blows their minds.” – Dave Sandoval


Experiencing Freedom With Purium

“If you're not free from disease, illness, or being beholden to a system of medicine or just any system, then you're not truly free. I believe that freedom is the most powerful motivator it's just we haven't tapped into it in so long. When people work with Purium and can live where they want to live, work the hours they want to work, wake when they are rested, rest when they're tired, eat when they're hungry, take the days off they need, make the money they want to make and choose the people that they work with, they start to experience true freedom.” – Dave Sandoval


Cleaning The Inside Of Your Body From Glyphosate

“When people ask me, ‘Well, why do I have to clean the inside of my body,' I ask them whether they shower, brush their teeth, or wash their hair and how often. Once you start cleaning the outside of the body, you're not going to think of it as something that you can do once and then walk away. Just like the first time you took a shower, you didn't say, ‘Oh, I'm clean now. I don't need to do that again.' When you start to develop external hygienic habits, you don't stop them so why would you stop an internal hygiene practice?” – Dave Sandoval

Links From Today's Show 

About Dave Sandoval

Dave Sandoval is a best-selling author of The Green Foods Bible, wellness expert, whole-foods nutrition advocate, environmentalist, disease prevention activist and a true innovator. He has dedicated his life to providing whole, raw, green food products to the world and educating the masses about the importance of nutrition. Dave continues to research and share his findings at guest lectures and The Dave Sandoval Academy of Learning.



Purium's Biome Medic



About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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Trent Family

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