AMA | How MANNA Vitality Helps Women Thrive

Wellness + Wisdom Episode 655

Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Host and Wellness Force Media CEO, Josh Trent, shares how women can find physical and mental support through MANNA Vitality supplements with Shilajit and Dead Sea ormus.

Today's Question

Allison Trent: I saw that you are advertising the MANNA supplement with some good ingredients it looks like and just curious about the effects of it and if it's good for women as well. I know that you said you had taken it.

So I always like to hear other people's opinions and I was trying to Google research it and I wasn't coming up with except for just kind of advertisements. So just wanted to ask you if you had any more insight on that.

solocast ask me anything

MANNA Vitality

The only supplement you will ever need

Himalayan Shilajit + Ocean Plasma: A Natural Approach to Health and Wellness - manna vitality

Manna harnesses the power of nature through their Mineral Matrix blend, a unique composition of natural ingredients such as Shilajit, Ormus, and marine minerals.

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This blend is designed to support overall mental and physical performance, including cognitive function and energy levels, for an overall boost in vitality. By using natural ingredients, Manna provides a safe and effective way to enhance your body's natural abilities and unlock your full potential.

Manna is a combination of the highest quality minerals, amino, fulvic, and humic acids, and nutrients gathered from some of the highest and lowest points on the planet —the mountains and the sea—to provide a comprehensive and enhanced mineral matrix.

Listen To Episode 655 As Josh Trent Answers Your Questions

[00:00] Intro

What is up everyone? Welcome back to the podcast. If it's your first time here, this is a place where you can explore the 5 of yourself. What are these sides by the way? What do we do with ourselves here on planet Earth?

Well, the only way we do anything is to be whole and integrated. I believe that being an integrated human starts with the physical body, then it moves to mental, emotional, and then spiritual and financial nourishment of the 5 sides of our self. This is what we talk about on this podcast every single week, twice a week.

The wellness pentagon, the 5 sides of how we get to know ourselves and how we embody all these values and virtues of wellness so that we can be fully integrated. That's what we're all looking for, right? We want to be free. We want to be liberated.

As always, I'm here on these AMAs with my co-captain, Mar. How are you doing today, Mar? I'm doing good. I'm looking forward to the weekend and just relaxing, spending time on the beach and enjoying because summer is definitely my favorite season of the year.

And so I just want to take advantage and like be outside as I can, and then spend the winter inside working and focusing on my projects. So yeah, happy about spending time outside right now.

I love hearing your story. And actually, y'all, I'm out here in Maui, We're here in Maui for a month. So I get to be in the ocean too, which is really cool. On an island in the middle of the ocean. I get that we hear these things in wellness.

And if you're here for the first time, you know that everything has seasons, right? So certain foods grow around at certain times of the year. Well, the same thing relates to our body from an energetic level.

The Native Americans have the wheel and the wheel follows the seasons of East, North, West, and South. When we're in winter, that's a time to go inward. Like you had talked about, Mar.

When we're in summer, it's a time to spread our wings and fly, that's why strawberries and berries and all these sugary fruits grow in the winter because that's mother nature saying, hey, it's time for you to play. And I think the more we can follow these cycles of nature, the healthier we'll be, and the better we're going to ourselves.

[06:00] MANNA Vitality: The Benefits of Shilajit + Dead Sea Ormus for Women

There you can do exactly what Allison did and voice your questions, voice your concerns, voice yourself. We did an AMA last week that was about expression being the opposite of depression, which is 1 of my favorite topics.

It was actually something that you had asked Mar, which I love because gosh, y'all, when we're expressing ourselves, we feel good. When we're not expressing, we're depressing. So let's listen to this question from Allison today.

Hey Josh, it's nice to meet a fellow Trent. My last name is Trent as well. So I kind of randomly came across your profile, popped up on Instagram and it seems like a lot of people that I'm friends with follow you as well.

So I saw that you are advertising the MANNA supplement with some good ingredients it looks like and just curious about the effects of it and if it's good for women as well. I know that you said you had taken it.

So I always like to hear other people's opinions and I was trying to Google research it and I wasn't coming up with except for just kind of advertisements. So just wanted to ask you if you had any more insight on that. I appreciate it. Thanks so much.

Cool, Allison, Such a great question. I don't even know where to begin because my favorite thing in the world. So I guess we can start with this.

Shilajit, as I talked about, is this concentrated sunshine. It has so many properties that are very specific to women's hormonal health. By the way, none of this is medical advice, right?

This is literally just research anecdotal, which I believe is the highest form of research. I think a lot of these double-blind placebo-controlled studies, blah, blah, blah, they all can be funded. So even more, you've heard phrases like, ”Trust the science' in air quotes. It should be more like trust the money, right?

So the vested interest in Shilajit comes from Mother Earth herself. It's not like the company Manna is fabricating these supplements. They're actually just harvesting them from the earth.

A lot of supplements are made in labs by people in white coats. But what I love most about mana is that this is something Mother Nature provides.

It's just challenging to get unless you're really healthy and you can hike 10, 000 feet every day, which maybe you can.
And I think if you did enough mana, maybe you could.

But look, when it comes to women, specifically to women, hormonal health and libido, there's also been a lot of research done on the effects of Shilajit for pregnancy and for conception, for actually getting pregnant.

o I am NOT a woman I will pass it over tomorrow at the point in this AMA when she can talk about what it's like to be a woman and how to experience supplements from the earth that make your body shift and do things that you're just really wanting to optimize.

But as a man, I can speak from this, that I noticed with my partner, Carrie Michelle, when she takes the mana, she tells me how great she feels.

And I think the feeling that we get is really the greatest report card because every single moment, we are either in homeostasis and in our center or we're being pulled out of it.

So if you think about the number one piece of this, which is hormonal health, That is probably the biggest thing I could say about women and the Sheilajit or the mana. Also, it can be, and this is by the way, not again, medical advice. There is some research that it helps anemia.

So anemia is the condition when you lack enough healthy red blood cells. So Sheilajit has potential cognitive and enhancing effects as well. And also Shelogit has been used for the treatment of kidney stones, edema and hemorrhoids.

So what does it tell you when Shelogit and the concentrated plant matter are actually improving the flow of your blood?

That means that not only are you getting neuroprotection, which is increasing cognition and just neurology in general, but cognitive disorders, like the ones that are just so heartbreaking, Mar, and I don't know if you have any relatives or if you know any women in your bloodline that have ever suffered from Alzheimer's or dementia or any cognitive issues.

My grandma. So your grandma. So imagine if your grandma knew about what you and I know, then maybe she would have suffered less, right? And maybe my mother would have suffered less.

And, you know, my heart goes out to all women because I don't, again, I don't know what it's like to be a woman, but the demands on a woman's hormonal system, especially when she's had children or when she's going through that process of pregnancy and birth, it's really hard.

It's really challenging. And women in this modern-day society need the most support. Women now need way more support than they did a hundred or 200 years ago. Here's why.

EMF, pollutants, air quality, food quality, soil quality, and just general Instagram craziness. The attacks on women come from all sides, right? And men too, but that's a different podcast, right?

Because Alison, what you're asking is like, I'm a woman and how does this work for me? Well, I think the best way that we could describe this is if you have a practice right now that you're working on feeling your best, the best thing you can do is become an N = 1. N = 1 is citizen science.

And basically what that means is you do 2 weeks or 30 days without something, and then you add something in. It's the same thing people do in nutritional science with food elimination diets, where if you think you have a gluten allergy or a dairy allergy, you would remove it for 30 days and you would add it back in and see how you feel.

A lot of times we get caught up in this left brain thinking where it's like, show me the science, show me the research, show me the data, which I love, right? I'm not negating that.

But Alison, the best report card that you as a woman could ever have is when you take out something or when you place it in something body, to your blood, to your stomach, how do you feel? How do you feel? What is the long-term or even short-term your feelingness?

And then from there, then yes, the science is kind of cool and sexy and fun. That's my thoughts, Mar.
But you know, you talked about taking this before you went surfing. You talked about your grandma. I talked about my mom a little bit.

What are other ways that, specifically the Shilajit, right? The concentrated plant matter, we know that we're all micronutrient deficient, but more than that, mineral deficient because of the soil that has been eaten by these huge companies like Monsanto and Agribusiness.

What do you think the white space is in regards to women feeling their best when it comes to like a mineral perspective a general health perspective?…

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About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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