Aaron Abke | The Law of ONE + How To Live In Love’s Alignment

Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 535

How can we live in oneness? And is love our only savior?

A spiritual teacher, Aaron Abke, joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom podcast episode 535 to discuss the Law of One and how all in the universe is a manifestation of The One Creator, the seven densities of consciousness, and his journey from religion to spirituality.

Join this deep conversation about the source, the universe, oneness vs dualism, and the embodiment of love to open your heart and mind to a new perspective of human existence.

“All things exist in a relationship in the universe. You can't find anything in the universe that isn't in a relationship to something. The implications of that means that oneness is the highest truth of the universe. Any degree to which we're living out of alignment with the law of one, you're going to suffer because you're fighting reality and you're contradicting reality.”Aaron Abke

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Listen To Episode 535 As Aaron Abke Uncovers:

[01:30] Transform Your Faith In God

[19:35] Law Of One + Seven Densities Of Consciousness

  • What brought Aaron to the book Law of One and how it entirely changed his perception of life.
  • The meaning of seven densities of consciousness.
  • Why the body is a learning device for our consciousness.
  • All things in the universe exist in a relationship.
  • How suffering becomes our wake-up call to change our lives and love becomes our savior.
  • The more light there is, the more information there is, and the more ability consciousness has to express itself.

[33:49] Are You Living In Oneness Or Dualism?

  • Why body consciousness and dysphoria create suffering in younger souls.
  • The victim triangle: victim, victimizer, hero.
  • Why God reflects both good and evil.
  • How a conditioned mind is an absence of free will until you become aware of the conditioning.
  • How acting from a place of separation creates a karmic debt and acting from a place of oneness creates credit.
  • Why the only savior for us is love.
  • God's thought system VS ego's thought system.

[52:15] Use Your Pain To Create Peace And Happiness

  • What physical pain and suffering taught him on mental and spiritual levels.
  • How giving love teaches you that love is always present.
  • The three beliefs of the ego: lack, outcome happiness, and control.
  • Why we only suffer from variations of three root negative emotions: sadness, anger, and fear.
  • How you can take advantage of your challenges and pain to humble you.
  • Why accepting that you're the problem can bring more happiness.

[01:15:00] Kundalini Awakening + Embodiment Of Love

Power Quotes From The Show

Why Do We Experience Suffering?

“Reality in its mercy has to show you that you're contradicting the way things really are and it does that through what we call suffering. Suffering is like a wake-up call to change your relationship with life, with reality. And until we do that, to the point where everything is a loving relationship, then we're going to suffer to some degree.” – Aaron Abke

Spiritual Bypassing

“The ego will use any spiritual concept to trick you into bypassing your feelings and healing. Ego doesn't want you to sit with your pain and love it and forgive it. It wants you to bypass it. It loves using spiritual teachings to do that.” – Aaron Abke

Unconditional Love Is Our Savior

“The only savior that exists for consciousness at this level is love. Our embodiment of love is our return to unity. It's our return to the remembrance that all is one. That's why the Law of One calls it the service to others' path. You have to get beyond yourself, the separate ego self, and begin to share what you are with others. Love is not a possession of something. Love is unconditional, it thinks no thought of itself, and it extends itself. Because of that love has an infinite supply of power.” – Aaron Abke

Links From Today's Show 

About Aaron Abke

aaron abke

Aaron Abke is a spiritual teacher and conscious influencer. He was born and raised as a Pastor’s Son in the Silicon Valley of California.

He spent one year working as a full-time worship pastor at a church in San Jose until eventually, at 23, he felt called to leave his religion and pursue a deeper and more authentic spirituality.

At 27 years old, Aaron had a spiritual awakening that changed the course of his life. He was working as a signed Fitness Model in San Francisco and competing at the National level in men’s bodybuilding at the time, and completely walked out of his former life to dedicate his life to seeking how to return to that state of Self-Realization permanently.

Aaron’s passion is teaching Unity Consciousness and Spiritual Awakening with the world, and he does so today via YouTube, Social Media, MasterClasses, and Workshops, primarily teaching through texts such as “A Course In Miracles” and “The Law of One”.

Aaron believes that Unity Consciousness and freedom from the Ego is the next evolutionary leap for mankind and is available for anyone who truly desires it.

The Seven Densities of Consciousness // Law Of One 001


About Josh Trent

Josh Trent lives in Austin, Texas with his love Carrie Michelle, son Novah, daughter Nayah + a cat named Cleo. He is the host of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast and the creator of the BREATHE: Breath + Wellness Program. Josh has spent the past 20+ years as a trainer, researcher + facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world. Helping humans LIBERATE their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual + financial self through podcasts, programs + global community that believe in optimizing our potential to live life well.

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