Hey Friends!
My name is Josh Trent and I have a passion for the lessons from Breathwork.. for SO many reasons.
From an early age I struggled with anxiety and before I knew it, food, drugs, and porn became coping mechanisms that took me 25 years to learn how to let go of…
If I only had the power of the breath to help me control and let go fo my chronic stress.
If I only had what you have right in front of you here with the BREATHE | Breath & Wellness 21 Day Program… I would have saved myself over two decades of pain.
As spirit and fate would have it, since 2017, I've spent 4 years traveling around the world to Thailand, Sedona, Costa Rica and much more to learn the art and science of the breath from some of the most sought after teachers globally to bring you this 21 day program.
I call this journey “my return back home to myself,” and I'm here to share all the lessons, practical and ancient wisdom and techniques with you.
By the end of this program, you will learn how to use the breath as your ally and trusted companion to guide you through anything life brings your way.
By the end of the 21 Days in BREATHE | Breath & Wellness, you will know, trust, and embody the phrase: “If I can breathe, I can choose.”
Special Episode 300 of Wellness + Wisdom
“What does it really mean to even be intelligent? What is intelligence? For a long time, I used to think that intelligence was how smart you were and that's part of it. However, if you even look at the definition of intelligence, it's someone's ability to gather and apply but what they're missing in science is they're missing the embodiment. There's no such thing as faking it till you make it when it comes to true intelligence and true embodiment.” – Josh Trent
What is true, embodied intelligence?
In Wellness + Wisdom episode 300, Civilized Caveman CEO, Wellness Force Media Founder, and Wellness + Wisdom Host, Josh Trent, shares with CURED Nutrition CEO and Host of The Cured Collective Podcast, Joseph Sheehey the top 10 lessons he has learned over the last four years of recording 300+ podcast episodes.
Join us for this special 300th episode as Josh reveals these 10 life lessons he has learned as a podcast host in the health and wellness industries:
- Intelligence is not how smart you are
- A podcast is not really a “show” it's a conversation about truth and consciousness
- Challenge the guests, but give them space to breathe and express
- It's not about the tool, it's about the intention
- Shortening the cycles of recommitment is the path
- Wellness is a state of mind and a practice of self worth
- Forgiveness is the most powerful tool in the universe
- The “middle way” is eventually everyone's path
- The power and the healing is in our breath
- Wellness is the awareness that we are all connected, and the beliefs, thoughts, and actions we allow our soul to operate from.
CURED Nutrition
Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE
It's taken me over a year to find the right hemp and CBD company to introduce to the Wellness Force Community and I could not be more thrilled that it's CURED Nutrition!
CURED Nutrition is a movement inspired by nature and grounded in a shared desire to leave a lasting impression on you, our community, and this world. Together, they're a collective of heart-centered human beings who are inviting you – the conscious creatives, dreamers, and healers – to join their family. Learn how CURED hemp and CBD products can enhance your daily wellness routine.
They're Colorado-based organically grown hemp products have been engineered to transform your approach toward an elevated life. Tap into your inherent potential – your greatest mind-body alignment – and nourish it with the supplements you were designed to thrive on. A greater existence is waiting.
We Have Arrived: A Message From Josh Trent
If you've been listening to the podcast for a while, or if you’ve been with us since the beginning, you know by now that great things in life tend to take us time, effort, and sometimes the hardest one of them all – trusting the process.
Especially when it comes to our wellness.
This path of growth where I've been on a search for truth in how to gather, apply, and embody physical and emotional intelligence has not been linear or easy – but it has been rich and fulfilling beyond my wildest dreams.
In July of 2015 I started this podcast mission, yet ever since early childhood, I have known, deep down, that I march to the beat of a different drummer.
I’ve faced inner and outer demons I wouldn’t wish on anyone; I’ve done a lot of deep work to let go of old stories about genetics, beliefs, and the people and things that don't serve my well-being.
But yet as challenging as this has been, I’ve also learned that when you operate from a place of love and service to others, and if your soul really wants something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
I bet you know this to be true, and that’s why you’re here with us in the WF community.
This podcast has been my home, work, and life for over 4 years and today, I get to give thanks to YOU with 90 days of Organifi delivered right to your door!! –
Love & Wellness,
**Enter To Win A Free 90 Day Supply of Organifi!
To enter to win a *Free 90 Day Supply of Organifi: all you have to do is leave a 5 star review right here for the podcast on iTunes right from your phone or computer during the contest period (9/24-9/30) and you'll be automatically entered to win.
**Entrants must leave a podcast review for Wellness + Wisdom on iTunes by 9/30/19 at 8:59pm PST
Here's how you can click to leave a review from your iPhone, easily right now. Just follow the directions in the video below. That will take you right to the review screen on your iPhone and after you hit “send” that’s it, you’re entered! Just a quick head’s up, after you hit send, your review won’t show on iTunes for 24 hours.
Any questions on how to enter from your computer? A quick 30 second video will show you how below:
**Winners will be chosen by a random computer and your iTunes username will be announced on October 1st right from the Wellness Force Facebook page, so make sure you like our page and turn on notifications to claim your prize on October 1st.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘What is intelligence? How can we apply the embodied lessons we learn? The gathering and application of experiences are part of the intelligence process.' – Josh Trent” quote=”‘What is intelligence? How can we apply the embodied lessons we learn? The gathering and application of experiences are part of the intelligence process.' – Josh Trent”]
Top Lessons Learned From 300+ Shows
1. Intelligence is not how smart you are [7:50]
- The Tim Ferriss Show
- CURED Nutrition
- Joe Sheehey, CURED Nutrition Founder
- How Wellness Force is serving its listeners to help them grow, let go of their old selves, and achieve greater consciousness.
- The fact that intelligence doesn't just mean being smart but also includes physical and emotional intelligence.
- Why our thoughts aren't even our own but could be passed down to us through generations.
- You can't fake it till you make it; especially with true intelligence and true embodiment.
- Why Josh even decided to start Wellness Force in the first place.
- Josh's accomplished mission to reach 1 million people through Wellness + Wisdom.
- The disappointment he felt when he realized that many wellness technology brand Founders aren't, in fact, living a life of wellness themselves.
- His switch in focus from technology to discovering physical and emotional through Wellness Force.
- Paleo f(x)
2. A podcast is not really a “show” it's a conversation about truth and consciousness [14:00]
- Why successful podcasting is not just about the guest you interview, big sponsors, or the number of downloads but the conversation itself.
- The evolution of Wellness Force as a whole for the podcast, brand, and Josh personally.
- Oura Ring
- The hard truth that, unfortunately, not all wellness technology brands are in it to help people but to make a profit.
- FitTech Summit
- Collective Podcast with Joseph Sheehey
- The pre-conceived truths that Josh has until he learns something new from each of his guests.
- WFR 071 Melissa Hartwig
- The Whole 30
- How Josh identifies his own true intention and why he is asking a guest a specific question.
- His process of letting go of perfection and being open to reframing his language and questions as well as embracing his emotions in each interview.
- WFR 275 Paul Chek
- How he has grown as both a listener and communicator since launching Wellness + Wisdom.
3. Challenge the guests, but give them space to breathe and express [24:00]
- How to be mindful, present, and emotionally intelligent during an interview with your guests to create magical moments.
- Josh's old habit of over-preparing for podcast interviews during his early days.
- How we can all raise the consciousness of each individual on this planet by asking the real questions that need to be answered
- His process of preparing for interviews and how he makes sure he shows up for top-level performance.
- 23andMe
- WFR 214 Mansal Denton
- Nootropedia
- WFR 214 Jesse Lawler
- Smart Drugs Smarts Podcast
- Neurohacker Collective
- WFR 096 Daniel Schmachtenberger
- The relationships and connections you develop as a podcaster by interviewing people of all different backgrounds.
- Bitter and sweet parts that many podcasters experience from day to day life.
- WFR 250 Dave Asprey
- WFR 293 Dr. Jade Teta
4. It's not about the tool, it's about the intention [40:00]
- Managing his performance by evaluating his energy as he goes about his day and what tools including nootropics help him focus.
- Why Josh takes great care in not consuming too much caffeine especially before recording a show.
- The bad habits we get into of numbing or escaping through various stimulants including caffeine, work, and control.
- How to take supplements responsibly by first focusing on doing the work yourself first and foremost before turning to them for assistance.
- Onnit
- WFR 196 Aubrey Marcus
- WFR 219 Kyle Kingsbury
- The power of showing up for other people as a podcaster or in everyday life without expectations.
- WFR 285 Luke Storey
- Finding the qualities you want in your business partners by writing down the top qualities you want in your future romantic partner.
5. Shortening the cycles of recommitment is the path [58:40]
- Why intimate relationships are the brightest mirrors that reveal the truth about who we truly are.
- How Josh is able to have a child-like curiosity and experience the world with an in and outflow of emotional charge.
- The common fear we all experience of wondering if we're worthy or not.
- Carl Jung
- The Shadow Archetype – Carl Jung
- Systematic desensitization – going to the things that scare you the most in a logical way to convince the nervous system that you are truly safe.
- Jordan Peterson
- Why the lack of forgiveness is what is getting in the way of our ability to shorten the cycles of recommitment.
6. Wellness is a state of mind and a practice of self worth [50:30]
- Why so many people try to cover up their shame with success and achievement.
- The B.T.F.A. Loop – Belief, Thoughts, Feelings, and Action to help you let go of being a slave to old belief systems.
- No matter what the behavior is, our actions on the B.F.T.A. Loop are all tied to our beliefs.
- Biologic Effects of Stress and Bonding in Mother-Infant Pairs
- There is a time and a place to not explore emotion yet sitting with our feelings and embracing them is a really big part of our lives, the inner work, and just being human.
- Fact that 80% of the time we are embracing our feelings vs. 20% of the time compartmentalizing and not expressing them such as for a job.
- What wellness exactly is when it comes to biohacking, spirituality, emotional intelligence, and physical fitness.
- Josh's own spiritual journey and the immense amount he has grown with it since 2015.
- His own near-death experience on Mount Whitney experience acute altitude sickness at 12,000 feet and how that led him to do the inner work in Thailand with breathwork and truly getting to know himself.
- What ‘God' or a higher power means to Josh now than it did before his experience on Mount Whitney.
- Living 4D with Paul Chek: Making A Love Connection – A Conversation With Josh Trent
- Living 4D with Paul Chek: The Revolution Is Coming: My Conversation With Josh Trent
7. Forgiveness is the most powerful tool in the universe [1:00:00]
- We can choose to focus on the anger or we can take a deep breath and focus on the solution.
- How being openly honest about thoughts and feelings has helped Josh take the emotional charge away.
- Why speaking our authentic truth is some of the greatest wellness medicine there is.
- How we can begin to forgive and love ourselves but especially be kind to our inner child.
- The work Josh did to forgive, accept, and love his parents for doing the very best they could during his childhood.
- What self-forgiveness has taught Josh about letting go, loving, and living life well.
- The simple fact that everything, whether it's pain or pleasure, is a teacher for us.
- How Josh's own evolution of healing and forgiving is being reflected in Wellness + Wisdom itself.
8. The “middle way” is eventually everyone's path [1:15:00]
- Josh's intense business coaching experience in Las Vegas that led him down a new path for himself both personally and professionally with Wellness Force.
- How Josh has stayed true to Wellness Force's mission and grown the brand over the years.
- The fact that it's totally normal to have moments of doubt in your journey.
- How we are supported and guided as we aim for greater love and higher intelligence.
- Why the inner work process is never “sexy” but the closer we get to the truth, the more we can be what intelligence actually is.
- How Josh was first introduced to plant medicine in a past relationship and what his first experience was like.
- It's not our fault that traumatic events happened in our lives and they're only making us stronger as we take on the responsibility to heal ourselves.
- Connor Beaton of ManTalks
- The fact that the only way to break the cycle of poor habits, health, or thoughts is to do the inner work.
9. The power and the healing is in our breath [54:00]
- Breath is the number one tool that we all have to help us let go of false thoughts and get back to a balanced state of mind.
- Plant medicine and breathwork showed him that if something within him isn't honest, it's going to come up to surface.
- How tools like breathwork, plant medicine, and meditation can help you find your inner truth and authentic, radical self.
- Why plant medicine isn't for everyone and there needs to be space, trust, and safety during a ceremony.
- How to find introspection, deeply explore your emotions, and let go of judgment in just 6 deep breaths.
- M21
- Breathwork.io
- How to instantly let go of stress, anxiety, and the monkey mind by focusing on the breath.
- Incorporating breathwork into your daily routine and when you need it the most.
- Letting Go by David R. Hawkins
10. Wellness is the awareness that we are all connected, and the beliefs, thoughts, and actions we allow our soul to operate from [1:12:10]
- Letting go of what doesn't truly serve you so that you can become the best version of yourself.
- The ideas, emotions, and beliefs that Josh's subconscious gathered during his childhood from the way his parents raised him to what money meant to his own self-worth.
- His life's mission to learn and fully understand what embodiment looks like.
- Plant medicine and his evolved opinion on what it is and what it can do for people.
- The impact that porn brings to our lives, relationships, and emotional selves.
- It Didn't Start with You by Mark Wolynn
- WFR 197 Daniel Stickler
- Dr. Vernon Woolf
- Mark Grove Podcast – Dr. Kelly Brogan: End The War Against Yourself
- The fact that the only way to break the cycle of poor habits, health, or thoughts is to do the inner work.
- WFR 241 Dr. Dan Engle
Join Us For The Next 300+ Shows
You’ve arrived at the end of episode 300, and there are hundreds of more episodes to come filled with energy and inspiration.
I want to thank so many incredible humans who have helped these past 300+ episodes happen.
My heart is full for everyone who has made this podcast possible, so I know I'm gonna miss a ton of people in these shout outs to Buzzy Torek and the whole team over at Epicast Network for making the show sound so powerful, to Shanna at Organifi for believing in us and supporting the show with trustworthy products, to Lauren Bryant for all you do in our community, to ME! for believing in and supporting Wellness Force, to my brother James for being the example of how to live from the heart, to all my past relationships for opening my soul to what’s possible in a relationship, to my mother Mary and father Dan for giving me the gift of life, and to my teachers: Alan Watts, Napoleon Hill, Abraham Hicks, Carl Sagan, Jason Silva, Jade Teta, Robb Wolf, Mary Shores and countless more, both alive and who are watching all of us from the expanse of the universe.
To every single guest we’ve had on the show.
And, last but not least, to all my light workers and light warriors in the Wellness Force Family:
I see you, I love you, and I support what you are doing to raise the consciousness our world needs right now.
My friend, I know you already know this, but thank you for being here and being a part of this community who are up to big things, and doing the physical and emotional work needed to live life well.
Until I see you again real soon, I’m wishing you love and wellness.
– Josh Trent
Power Quotes From The Show
Just The Joy Of The Conversation Is A Gift
“I had no idea that my life would be this rewarding and this challenging. I say I have both because if you look at any relationship, whether it's with friends or a significant other, it's when we go through the challenges of travel and connection and schedules and work to actually get the podcast out there or even just going to a new town and meeting new people, there's always going to be a bitter before there's the sweet. So, the sweet is getting to be able to text Dr. Jade Teta or email Dave Asprey or connect with some of these people that I had idolized when I was a personal trainer but I've only done that because I did the work brick by brick, day by day, year by year to let these people know that when it was time for us to have a conversation, that I really cared and that I was really adamant about letting them know how much I respect them and whether or not I get anything from them besides a conversation, just the joy of the conversation was the gift. That is a great way to build friendships.” – Josh Trent
Healing Ourselves Every Day
Doing The Work Together
“When I think about the evolution of my healing, it comes through this podcast, and it's what I want people to feel from me every episode. Not only am I doing this work but we're also doing this work together so that when we're out of the spaces of doing the work, we can actually show up and live our life well. We can actually show up and have loving relationships and full joy and full expression and full connection with our friends and partners.” – Josh Trent
Links From Today's Show
- Civilized Caveman
- The Cured Collective Podcast
- The Tim Ferriss Show
- CURED Nutrition
- Joe Sheehey, CURED Nutrition Founder
- Paleo f(x)
- Oura Ring
- FitTech Summit
- Collective Podcast with Joseph Sheehey
- WFR 071 Melissa Hartwig
- The Whole 30
- WFR 275 Paul Chek
- 23andMe
- WFR 214 Mansal Denton
- Nootropedia
- WFR 214 Jesse Lawler
- Smart Drugs Smarts Podcast
- Neurohacker Collective
- WFR 096 Daniel Schmachtenberger
- WFR 250 Dave Asprey
- WFR 293 Dr. Jade Teta
- Onnit
- WFR 196 Aubrey Marcus
- WFR 219 Kyle Kingsbury
- WFR 285 Luke Storey
- Carl Jung
- The Shadow Archetype – Carl Jung
- Jordan Peterson
- Biologic Effects of Stress and Bonding in Mother-Infant Pairs
- Living 4D with Paul Chek: Making A Love Connection – A Conversation With Josh Trent
- Living 4D with Paul Chek: The Revolution Is Coming: My Conversation With Josh Trent
- Connor Beaton of ManTalks
- M21
- Breathwork.io
- Letting Go by David R. Hawkins
- It Didn't Start with You by Mark Wolynn
- WFR 197 Daniel Stickler
- Dr. Vernon Woolf
- Mark Grove Podcast – Dr. Kelly Brogan: End The War Against Yourself
- WFR 241 Dr. Dan Engle
- Organifi
- Josh Trent